Part 33 - A Warning From The Light

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* Hadrian's POV *
I left Tom in the common room and walked towards the Ravenclaw common room to meet Luna. Orcus was wrapped around my waist hiding since technically he wasn't allowed on school grounds, not that anyone could stop me. I walked down a strangely quiet hallway when I heard a sound behind me, I didn't let it show that I knew and continued to walk down the hallway as if nothing happened. The sound got louder and I created a dagger in my hand I spun around to the sound but there was no one in the hallway, I vanished the dagger and turned around when something hit me and my vision went black.

I woke up and looked around quickly, I tried to stand but my arms were chained in cold iron chains attached to the cobblestone wall. I panicked and tried to use magic to break the chains from the wall, nothing happened and my heart rate sped up, I looked around the cell. It looked like a basement and had no windows but other than that I had no idea where I was. A voice drew my from my thoughts I steadied my heart rate and looked to where the voice came from. From the shadows of the corner emerged familiar face Lucius Malfoy.

"Well well well, hello there little neko. You were much easier to capture than everyone said, and those cuffs stop your magic so good luck escaping", I growled at him as he opened the cell door "let me go!", he walked closer to me and grabbed my chin pulling it up "I can't do that little sub, you see Draco wants you and I always get him what he wants, now you're going to break up with Riddle and Marry MY son".

Anger wasn't a strong enough word to describe what I was feeling it felt as though my blood had turned to flaming hot magma. And a slow cruel chuckle left my lips "I will never break up with Tom and I will never be with your son", his face twisted in to a scowl and he let go of my face as my chuckle morphed into a crazy, giggle (think of Harley Quinn's laugh) "Do you know what your in for? I am curious you do realise that there will be 5 very pissed off dominants and 3 surprisingly insane and scary submissives looking for me. Not to mention what I'm going to do to you when I get out of these chains", I saw a flash of fear in my eyes and laughed louder, before cutting it off and going silent. I stared at him as a shiver ran down his spine, I smirked and he stood up straight.

His vela wings emerged from his back in an attempt to intimidate me, I just stared with a blank expression "it doesn't matter, they aren't going to find you and if you don't start behaving like a proper obedient sub, you'll be punished until you get it right", I laughed again with he glared.

* Tom's POV *
I kicked down the headmasters office dorms with Remus and Sirius following me in, I glared at the old man with my anger rising "WHERE IS HE!". He looked up at us trying to act as though he wasn't bothered but I could practically smell his fear "my dear boy what are you talking about", I growled as he slowly stood "you know what I am talking about now tell me where my mate is before I rip your throat out" I felt a hand on my right shoulder, followed by one on my left, my head jolted quickly to see Fred holding back Sirius who now had his claws out and George holding Remus who's claws were out.

Luna had one arm on my left shoulder and Bella had one on my right, both weren't holding and I knew they wanted me to do it just as much. "Where is my best friend you wrinkly old son of a bitch!" Luna yelled while drawing out her wand. Bella joined letting go of my shoulder and tying up her hair, she then rolled her sleeves and ran at him which Luna copied. "Listen here I'm gonna beat it out of you if you don't start talking!", Bella screamed I grabbed both of them and pulled them behind me, I let go and slowly walked up to the headmasters desk.

I placed my hands on his desk leaning all my weight on it as I looked into his eyes. "If your hiding my mate I will find out, if you fail to tell me where he is right now then we're going to have a problem and trust me it won't end well for you". He looked around the room and just shrugged "I have no idea what your talking about my boy", I growled as Barty spoke from where he was holding Luna and Bella who were trying to curse Dumbledore "If you don't tell us what you know right now I will inform my father and launch an official complaint with the student board and then the minister himself.I wonder how that will look with your record, we wouldn't want that getting out to the public in a freak accidental breach of security. You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you tell us where he is now.".

Dumbledore smiled and in a calm tone replied "My boy, I assure you I have no idea where Mr Potter is, how about you leave and I will send Severus and all the teachers to look for him". I heard his heart speed up and knew he was lying, I couldn't hold my anger anymore and let my magic burst. The room grew cold and I growled as all the windows burst, the candle flames grew bigger and my eyes glowed. I threw the desk into the corner and pushed Dumbledore against the wall "You tell me where he is now, or I will break every damn bone in your body and that is a promise".

His heart rate doubled and I growled again, when I got no reply, I pulled him away from the wall a little bit and threw him back against it. He was still silent so I smirked "Fine I'm starting with fingers", his eyes flew open wider "I...I....I.....w-wait.. I" he stuttered. I growled and rolled my eyes again "look into my eyes" He locked eyes with me and I pushed through his occlumency shields, within seconds I had all the information I needed. I pulled out of his mind and threw him across the room, he landed with a satisfying thump. Everyone stood looking at me, Sirius wore a proud smirk, Remus looked surprised but I sensed he was proud, the twins had identical smirks, Barty was laughing and Luna and Bella had already run over to curse Dumbledore. Smirking I gestured to the door "I know where he is let's go".

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