Part 68 - Victor Krum

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* Hadrian's POV *
I woke up to two strong hands wrapped tightly around me, the same arms that had always made me feel safe. I turned slightly to tilt my head up and look at the peaceful face of my protective vampire. I smiled and traced his jaw with my finger laughing when his nose wrinkled before he opened his eyes "Morning Kitten", and his deep, raspy voice not fully awake yet. I smiled more "Morning Tommy", we stayed in bed talking and cuddling until we decided to get up. "So what are we doing this Christmas?", I asked through the door as I started the shower. "Whatever you want Kitten, but I bet Remus and Sirius already have something planned with Lily and Narcissa", I laughed that was probably true. "Yeah okay, I don't mind as long as your there with me", I replied before getting in the shower "Not getting rid of me Kitten".

When I finished in the bathroom Tom went in whilst I got changed into the Slytherin uniform, well mostly anyway, I added some snake earrings Bella got me and a bottle necklace filled with merlin knows what that Luna had given me. Eventually me and Tom were both ready for the day and walked into the common room holding hands. However we didn't expect to see everyone cheering whilst Bella and the twins were beating up two Durmstrang students. I looked to Tom who just shrugged and walked towards them "What happened?"he asked as both of them stopped throwing punches and hexes, before either replied the two Durmstrang students began yelling "They're psycho that's what happened!", Bella made an outraged noise making both of them run over to Krum who had just arrived.

"Bella what happened", I asked she looked over to me and I saw how mad she looked "Someone didn't take the hint last night and as soon as Barty left to save us seats, decided to make his move again", I looked over and realised it was the same guy from last night. I nodded as Tom asked the twins about their issue. "No one insults our necklaces, Luna made them", I looked at the cork necklaces that had red and blue flowers wound into it and smiled. "So you're not going to punish them?", Krums cold voice flooded the room. I turned to him with a blank face "Why would I?", he pointed his nose up and looked appalled "They attacked students you're supposed to be in charge". "Exactly", Tom said stepping in front of me to glare at him "Were in charge and the way we see it your students are the ones causing trouble, so get them in line before I do".

I smiled as Tom took my hand and we all began walking to the hall for breakfast, before we left the room Bella turned to yell "And never call a psycho psycho, it's not smart". Barty was sat there smiling as we entered the hall and waved us over to our seats. "Hey what did I miss you look tense?", he asked as Bella sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder "you missed some Durmstrang students trying their luck", Tom replied. We began talking and eating our breakfast when Mcgonagall caught everyone's attention "As you all know the tournament begins today, this is the Goblet of fire", she cast a spell revealing a large, old looking cup built into a stone stand "This will be open to everyone, one only has to write their name onto a piece of parchment and throw it into the flames. Names will be chosen from the submitted applicants, one from each school to represent their school in the tournament alone, a reminder that whoever is chosen cannot be given help. However that is not all", whispers broke out but we're silenced with a single glare from Mcgonagall.

"As is customary the Yule ball will be taking place, in which the chosen champions will lead the dances as you know. Each champion must therefore have a date for the ball if chosen, it will take place on Christmas Eve after the first task. For now enjoy your breakfast", she then sat down as everyone began talking again. I turned to our group again "would any of you want to put your name in?", immediately Bella and Barty shook their heads with Bella reply "It's too basic for my liking and I don't need the attention help, if I want it the attention is mine anyway", I laughed and Luna also shook her head followed by two mischievouslooking twins. "What about you Tommy?", I asked, he just smirked "I'm not interested in 'proving' anything to a bunch of biased judges Kitten. Although I would totally crush the competition", he lifted my chin still smirking and kissed me gently "so you have nothing to worry about", I smiled and leaned on his arm wrapping my tail around his waist, after realising my neko features had popped out again.

"Yeah I have no interest either seems like a useless exercise", everyone was laughing as Krum approached the table. As usual everyone was on a slight edge again "So Black your an interesting person to ask around about, a lot of people have strong emotions hm?", I laughed "Yeah not everyone likes someone who breaks bones for fun what's it to you?", Tom smirked and rested his arm around my neck. He eyed the movements "Didn't peg you for the tattoo type Riddle", he pointed to the skull mark on his wrist that had been shown when his cloak lifted slightly "What do you mean?", he cast a glammer over it I felt the magic take place. "Huh my mistake", he didn't look convinced, I ignored them and took a sip of my pumpkin juice as I did I looked up to meet Lunas eyes, she was smirking, I tilted my head in question but she just nodded to Krum who had both eyes on me.

"Come on Hadrian, we have to go", I looked at him confused, is he delusional I'm not going to go walking or with him. Luna covered he mouth smiling, "why would I do that?" I asked as Tom pulled me closer "Because you love me remember", Luna burst out laughing. Meanwhile I and everyone else by the looks of it were very confused "Oh Krum, hate to break it to you but you're awful at hiding anything", Luna began with a smile "Next time you decide to add a love potion to someone that I care about think again, I may have most believing I'm innocent but I will break your neck if you try something like this again", she said with a dark glare. Tom understood the information first by the looks of it and stood up glaring across the table at Krum.

At this movement all the Slytherins glared at Krum, especially those with marks but no one knew that part. Fred and George stood either side of Luna glaring just as harshly "I suggest you leave before you regret it", I spoke in a cold voice, standing to hold Toms hand to stop him attacking as I watched his eyes glow.

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