Prologue 4: Recollection Blanking!

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Me and Mr. Crowley were in the library looking into all sorts of books for hours til it was dark. But to our dismay we found nothing, and nothing jogged my memory. I don't know who was more frustrated by this me or Crowley.

"There really isn't anything. Not only the world records, but your home isn't written in any history, not even your name." Unfortunately he kept repeating this every few record books he read. But that wasn't what frustrated me, it was the fact that I looked all over the world in these books and not one thing I recognized at all. Every time I tried remembering anything when I got a new word or a new picture, it ended up hurting my head more.

"Are you truly saying you don't remember? You aren't lying to me by chance?" Crowley gave me a stern look to see if I was and would possibly break. But I too was annoyed by this and this is the last thing I would lie about.

"I would've said it if I did." I did add a little bit of an attitude in that response. Now I'm sure as the headmaster he would've of lectured me, but seeing how he has behaved with me so far, I'm glad he didn't think of it too seriously.

"Looking at all this, you may have somehow been brought here from another planet... There's also the possibility you're from another world."

"Another world!?" Why did that click in my head and yet every other word in here didn't. But no matter, nothing came from it but it still sounded like something I should know and yet nothing.

"What did you have on you when you came here? Do you have any identification, like a liscence for a magic car, name on a shoe... You appear to be empty handed."

"As you can see, I'm empty handed. I'm lucky to remember my name." This time I didn't add any attitude, but I did show the outline of my robe that that was all on me nothing else. Plus I know in his way, he's trying to help the best he can, so I cooperate. But I'm concerned about the last part where having a name on a shoe, that's just weird to me.

"This is concerning. I can't just let someone who can't use magic to stay at school. However, as an educator, I can't just toss a penniless teenager out on the street with no form of communication. For I am gracious." Suddenly my future livelihood felt dim and dark as there is nowhere to go for me. Even if he keeps me here because he won't let me out on the streets, I have no idea what he would have me do to stay here.

"Hmmm... That's right! There is an unused building on campus." That sudden outburst startled me out of my thought process, but it was a sort of a relief knowing there is somewhere to stay.

"It was once used as a dormitory in the past so if you clean it up you should at least be able to sleep there. For the time being I shall allow you to stay there!"

I had a bad feeling about this "building" he describes but I won't complain since it's somewhere to go to.

"Then I will look for a way for you to return home. My graciousness is limitless! I am a model for all educators."

For a Headmaster, he was surprisingly nice to someone who wasnt his student or at least that's what I thought. I thought maybe he would've kicked me out like the raccoon, but it was nice to know he sees me through to my amnesia problem.

"We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory. It may be a bit old but there is a certain charm to it." Crowley was putting the last book away before heading down the hall. I just followed him, hoping this building didn't have charm in a bad way. But nonetheless, I'm grateful to stay here knowing my circumstances and hopefully as I stay here maybe I can come back here to find something to my memories.

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