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Hi I'm Kuhu, unusual name right? But I love it anyway. 

Well, to introduce myself, I'm doing my final year in psychology, you see I love to read about human nature. There is just soo much to know about how a person may react or even act. It's a magical thing to me.

About my life, I have amazing parents, especially my mom. God, you just name a thing and I bet I can talk to her about it, I challenge you, Like Really!

Honestly I'm not good in initiating conversations which leads to me having a very small group of friends but trust me they are fab. I'm actually lucky in that area, says my mom.

Fortunately or unfortunately, can't really say but I'm born single. Reason? You'll get to know soon. Honestly, I want someone in my life. Someone I can love with my whole self and someone I can call really special.

Funny thing that I'm 21 but still the teenager inside me is dying to come out cause I never experienced what it feels like to have a crush, or to be proposed by someone, or how to love someone.

Now you see why I'm single? Cause everything that will happen will be my first. Heck I haven't even hugged a guy yet. That's why I'm extremely careful about falling in love with someone. Like most of the people, I have trust issues too. I feel like no one can ever love me.

Once a boy told me he loves me and I convinced him for hours that its not love what you are feeling its just a rush of emotions, you will forget me soon don't worry and blah-blah, and my best friend scolded me and asked "You wonder why are you single?"

Enough with the introduction, its a new beginning now as its the start of my final year. Especially new because we are going to college after a whole year due to pandemic.



Honestly I'm embarrassed, I have read tons of stories on Wattpad but now I'm realizing its soo difficult to write.

It can be boring at first cause it surrounds the girl's character and its necessary too, cause believe me when I say, her character is deep and complicated.

Please support me as I'm new to all this and don't be a silent reader as your presence will definitely boost me...


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