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'Ready for round two?', Like really Taehyung, that's what you said..

I was lying on my bed staring the ceiling with a creepy smile on my face which was hard to wipe out since our practice together.

I was replaying every moment like a movie in my mind and was literally wondering how I get a sudden boost of confidence whenever I am around her.

The way I behave whenever I am with her is so not me but it never feels bad in fact I feel that eventually that is the real me, who wants to enjoy and laugh more but again as I said it happens only when I am with her.

The way she laughs makes me feel something thump in my chest, the way she throws little-cute tantrums makes me wanna pamper her however I can, the way she talks makes wanna hear her non-stop and today the way she danced.. it makes me wanna dance all my dances with her.

Wait what the hell am I talking about..arghhhh

I really feel that nowadays all I can think about is Kuhu, nothing else clouds my mind like she does.

Today when we were in the dance room I still remember clearly how I felt, her smooth skin under my touch, her body swiftly moving with the beat not that I'm being a pervert its just that everything sent a shiver down my body.

Every move felt like I was floating in the air, never in my life I felt this rush which I felt today. Is this how I'm suppose to feel normally cause nothing about my behavior seems normal to me honestly.

Enough I have to get through this and now I have to take some steps as I can't just sit back and wait for me to go all mad as this girl will make me crazy and not that I'm complaining, she is worth to be crazy for.

Not again Kim Taehyung..

I stood up and went out of my room deciding to do something I never thought I have to do and i.e. to take advice from the Jeon Jungkook.

I mean no matter how much of a flirt he is, he really knows a lot about feelings and looking at the fact that it's Kuhu I want to talk about he will take me seriously cause I don't know about other girls but Jungkook values Kuhu a lot, in fact I should say the most.

Never have I ever seen Jungkook to have a good boy attitude around any other girl but when it comes to her he is like a little puppy no bunny who will hope around her to make her happy and will try to bring a smile on her face, well that doesn't stop him from flirting but still I know its different.

Well I guess that's the charm of Kuhu, she can literally bring out the best in someone with no efforts at all.

Okay I have to stop now..

I could hear some noises coming from the living so I thought maybe everyone is gathered there and with that I took small strides towards the room just to see the boys lying on the couch in a haphazard manner watching a movie while Kuhu was giving them a lecture over how they made a mess of the area.

Maybe she sensed me coming as she looked up while picking up the empty dishes from the coffee table and passed me a gentle smile walking towards the kitchen maybe to wash them.

How reckless of the J's to just lie down and watch her do all the work. No actually not even watch her as they are too unknown of their surroundings to notice anything going on around them.

Jin is sitting with his feet on the coffee table continuously munching on the popcorn while Jimin is lying down flat on his back with his head on Jin's lap and feet on Jungkook's, far deep in sleep not caring about the movie at all and on the other hand Jungkook, he is lying in a weird position with his back on the arm rest and feet on Jin's long legs, eyes completely focused on the screen.

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