13 - HE TALKS..

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"Who's there? Jin is that you?", kuhu asked walking towards the silhouette of the person and on the other hand taehyung just stood still not knowing what to say as he thought he messed up.

"Umm..", taehyung tried to say still not turning around but words just stuck in his throat and he froze even more when he felt a hand on his shoulder trying to make him turn around. He slowly turned around with his head lowered and eyes completely shut as if kuhu was a ghost or something.

"Taehyung!", kuhu asked shocked to see him there, "what are you doing here ?" kuhu asked making taehyung to finally open his eyes. She looked behind him at the door and bombarded another question ,"and what's with the door?"

Taehyung didn't know how to answer any of the question and kuhu being impatient walked towards the door and tried to open it. With wide eyes she turned to look at taehyung who was already enough nervous but kuhu kept on making him more.

"You locked the door!!!", kuhu whined raising her voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it won't open from this side of the door", taehyung said trying to defend himself. "Than why do you think I kept it open??", kuhu said loudly knowing that it wasn't his fault but for heaven's sake.. now they are locked.

"Give me your phone", kuhu said with her hand in front of him gesturing him to place the mobile. Taehyung looked at her hand and than looked at her and kuhu raised both of her eyebrows in a questionable manner that why wasn't he doing something.

"I-I left it in my room", taehyung said scratching the back of his head.

"Nooooooooo I don't have mine either......", kuhu whined again sitting on the floor where she was standing. Taehyung eyes widened and he crouched in front of her thinking what to do next.

"Kuhu relax, let me bang the door someone will hear us", taehyung said and the moment he was about to stand, "taehyung its not my first time getting stuck hear", kuhu said making taehyung confused.

"I have been locked in here before and trust me no matter whatever you will do no one can hear you", kuhu said standing up and dusting her clothes moving towards the spot where she was sitting leaving a dumbfounded taehyung behind. Taehyung stood up and started banging the door loudly as he thought he have to try.

"JIMIN..JUNGKOOK..", taehyung shouted banging the door again and again.

"Ahhhh will you stop, they won't hear you but I will definitely turn deaf ", kuhu said placing both her hands on her ears. Taehyung looked at her embarrassed as to what he just did but he panicked as now what will they do.

"W-what are we gonna do now?", Taehyung asked kuhu moving towards her.

"Wait", kuhu said shrugging her shoulders casually looking at the moon in front of her.

"What!!", taehyung said a bit loudly as how can she be so casual about it. Kuhu looked at taehyung and patted the seat beside her gesturing him to sit. At first taehyung hesitated but he doesn't wanted to act any more awkward in front of her so he sat down. Kuhu again turned to look at the moon while taehyung looked at her. She looked beautiful under the moonlight, her eyes twinkling ,a very soft smile on her face ,how she clutched the teddy bear so close to her, how her skin was glowing ,all these thoughts clouded taehyung's mind.

Kuhu felt a stare on her so she turned to look towards taehyung but taehyung beat her as he quickly looked towards the moon but this time it was kuhu's turn to notice taehyung's flawless features. He looked soo ethereal, the moonlight was practically getting reflected back by his glowing skin, his messy bangs covering his eyes a little and how kuhu wanted to move them aside but have to control her instincts, she never found someone so beautiful that she wanted to look at them forever without even taking a break.

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