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"I'm bored! I want to go back", Kuhu whined for like a hundredth time this week. Somehow this poor hospital became another hellhole for her.

"Come on Kuhu, just finish this soup and we'll talk about it"

"You are saying this for the last three days, liar!", and did I mention that her stubbornness is at its peak.

Well, clearly because she still is mad about me not confessing back. But hats off to her patience till now, she is a fighter. Otherwise the Kuhu I know would have buried me somewhere by now.

"But it's not in my hand Love", my another attempt to calm her down. I'm not leaving any chance to baby her. I might have not confessed but that won't make me hide my feelings for sure.

"I know", she murmured resting back while scratching her fingers as always.

Placing the soup aside, I held her soft hands in mine and leaned my chin lightly on them. The gesture made her look at me with a cute little pout.

"Doctor said that you'll get discharged within two weeks", I said moving her hair behind her ear with another hand, not missing the fact that I can do this whenever I want now.

"And you made it for seven days, just a week more", my words were definitely laced with honey, and it looked like I successfully convinced her since she released a sigh, nodding her head.

"Good, now let's finish this", I retracted with a smile to feed her the soup again.

As much as she is babied at home, now for sure the bars were raised a thousand times more. Once Jin almost fought with the food department here in the hospital when Kuhu vomited after her lunch.

Later, we found out that it was one of the side effects of her medicines.

Jimin and Jungkook are more younger now. They surround her bed along with multiple fairy tales, reading her one each hour.

She always ends up laughing hard when Jimin and Jungkook fight for the part of the prince. I guess now, they just do it on purpose. To make her smile more frequently.

Not to mention, how Jimin ends up being the princess almost every time. It's hilarious to see him mimic the character in a high-pitched tone.

Apart from all this, we have taken turns to manage the college attendance two at a time. 

Well, leave me out of this. I was headstrong over not leaving her for a second. It's like this hospital room is my other bedroom now.

Unfortunately, the bed is quite small for both of us to fit in so I have to sleep on the couch. But for most of the nights, I did fall asleep on the stool right beside her.

Talking about random stuff, playing small word games every now and then, and mapping her while she is sleeping soundly are listed under my daily to-do list.

I couldn't describe the feeling when she confessed to me. Sadly I didn't get much time to relish it at that moment but gradually with the passing days, the tickle kept increasing.

The way she kept sandwiching her curved lips within her teeth whenever she felt nervous, the way they moved while she read those affectionate words of the proposal. All of it is embedded in my heart till the day I'll shut my eyes for peace.

Well if there is anything like souls living even after life, then that makes the memory last for infinity and beyond.

Did I just think that?!

It's good that Kuhu can't read my mind, otherwise, it would have been really embarrassing for my poor cheesy self.

"Taehyung!", Kuhu said a little louder as if calling me for quite a while.

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