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"Damn I want a coffee so bad", Kuhu whined as we both were moving towards the canteen from our four hour long practice.

"J's will be there right?"

"Yeah I texted Jungkook he said they are there already", I replied with a nod.

"What song are you all preparing for your singing fest?", she asked as she was searching for something in her bag.

Damn no why me?, we all were dreading this question to be asked by her and I remember Jimin saying, 'let's see who will be the unlucky one', cause it was soo hard to lie to Kuhu but at the same time we can't tell her the truth either.

It was a surprise we were planning for her and it was Jimin's idea to which we agreed highly as it will make her damn happy and what else do we want except for the dimple smile to surface her face all the time.

Come on Taehyung think something..

"What are you searching for?", I replied acting like I didn't even heard what she said and I just have to keep up the conversation till we are there as then the idiots can come up with something if she asked again.

"I can't find my mobile in here, you think I left it in the dance room?", she asked looking up to me and instantly it clicked my mind that I kept it in my bag when she left to change as she forgot it there.

Should I play with her??

"Umm I'm hundred percent sure its not there as you know how keenly I double check before leaving", I said genuinely making her believe my words.

She furrowed her eyebrows and nodded thinking something, maybe calculating where she left it.

"And I'm sure I didn't left it in the changing room", she murmured to herself and I swear it was so funny to see her thinking that hard.

"Call me"


"I said call me, if someone have it they will pick it up", and I'm busted.

She looked at me with anticipation and I had no choice left except to make a call, I smiled nervously as she frowned on how slow I was with my actions.

"Give me you toad", saying she took my mobile and made a call and as expected, a loud ring was heard from my bag.

She squinted her eyes and I grinned nervously saying, "You met my new ringing bag?"

With that she laughed throwing her head back making me laugh with her as its too difficult not to smile seeing her beautiful one as its so contagious. I gave her her mobile as we reached the canteen and found the boys bickering over food again.

"How was the practice?", Jin asked as we both settled down and Kuhu began to tell them about it.

"Let me get you a cold coffee", I said with a smile and she grinned while I earned some teasing looks from Jimin and Jungkook which made me roll my eyes at their childishness.

As I ordered the coffee my thoughts went to the big step I have to take today. Its been a week since I decided that I will ask her out. It was last Friday when Jungkook and Kuhu went out and I decided to take her out on next Sunday which is tomorrow and I haven't even asked her yet.

Fiddling with the buttons of my jacket I was still deciding what to do when I heard an annoying high pitched laugh beside me.

I slightly moved my eyes to the right when I saw her, Seo-yeon is she?

Saying that I was irritated by her presence was an understatement as she really boiled my blood as I remember Kuhu telling me about what happened in the restaurant last week, even I asked Jungkook about it the next day and he was annoyed equally.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora