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"You got this, sort everything before heading to the college", I said to myself as I stood in front of her door ready to knock or I should say trying to knock, come on Taehyung you have to face her..

The moment I raised my hand to knock, "She left early", Jin's voice halted my move mid air.

"Early! Why?", I asked panicking completely.

"She just left a note at my door, didn't mentioned anything else", he said his tone laced with worry and confusion although it somehow felt bad to know the reason already.

I looked at Jungkook who heard everything while he shook his head mouthing 'Don't worry'.

"You both had a good time right?", Jin asked me with furrowed look, honestly it felt more like interrogation.

"Y-Yeah, why?", I hated myself for stuttering at such weak moment, what if he caught me lying.

"No just wondering", he said before walking towards the door while I sighed, a bit relieved that he didn't questioned further.

"Let's go", Jungkook said and all I could do was to nod in response.

"You both have to brag about your day don't forget", Jimin said limping his way towards me while I thought as much beautiful the whole day was as painful was the night.

"Yeah Jimin-shi how did you fall last night?", Jungkook said intently trying to shift Jimin's focus and looked like he got successful as Jimin commented, "Again you are so quick"

Jimin and Jungkook kept on bickering while I looked at Jin who was busy thinking something, maybe about Kuhu because the girl who needs hundreds of push to even wake up went to her so called hell hole herself.

Me and Jin ended up being in the cab with Jungkook and Jimin as we thought it will be better and quicker as Jin was becoming restless to talk to her now.

I wish she won't hate me or really slap me in real...



"5 6 7 8! Ahh!!", tired I fell on my knees as I panted trying to catch my breath. I supported myself while my hands were on my folded knees but soon I laid flat on the floor feeling the warmth and heat surrounding my body.

I danced, I danced till I felt the air to knock out my lungs and now I am here, collapsed on this floor.

My mind was torturing me and from a while now. I couldn't sleep neither I could stop the tears leaving my eyes ceaselessly.

I can't process what happened last night, I vaguely remember him trying to say something but at last I couldn't think of anything other than what happened.

I clearly don't despise him for doing all that for sure. I still trust him enough not to think he will try to make me uncomfortable. Its just that its a lot to process and understand the situation right now.

I know I should talk it out although we had always ignored such mistaken interactions but I know last night wasn't a mistake.

I sat straight still breathing roughly as I looked myself in the mirror, all soaked up in my own sweat.

"What was he about to say?", I mumbled but before I could think further I heard footsteps.

Is he coming? Of course you idiot he won't vanish out now will he!!??

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