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*knock knock*

I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about what happened today and especially wondering how Kuhu must be managing all this from so long as definitely this must be affecting her to the core that it caused her a panic attack. I don't know why but I have this feeling that there is definitely more to the story, and I really want to know that.

*knock knock*

"Taehyung you in there?", I instantly looked at the door and quickly went towards it to open it.

I turned the knob only to see Kuhu standing there with furrow brows looking at me. I think she was waiting for a long time now but I didn't heard any knock maybe cause of thinking about the whole scenario.

"What took you so long.. Were you sleeping ?? Am so sorry to dis-"

"Kuhu its okay I wasn't sleeping, come in", I said cutting her off moving aside to let her in and shutting the door afterwards.

My room didn't had much things around, just a bed in the middle and a study table across the door and a closet aligned with a mirror beside the door.

She entered looking around the room taking in every detail. I thought thank god my room isn't messy. She was still looking around playing with her fingers with nervousness in her eyes maybe figuring out something.

"What happened kuhu?", I asked making her turn around and she just stared at me still thinking something. Maybe she wants to say something but couldn't let it out ,I think I should make her comfortable first.

"You came in my room for the first time right?", I asked changing the topic and a smile appeared on her face making me smile as she nodded. I gestured her to sit and she sat on the edge of the bed still playing with her fingers. I took a seat on my bean bag placing it near her.

"Kuhu you don't have to be nervous around me", I said and she looked at me confused and I gestured my eyes towards her fingers making her look down at her hands. A chuckle left her mouth as she noticed she had small nail marks on her fingers.

"Am sorry", she said smiling nervously.

I chuckled and said, "Its okay, whenever you are comfortable", I leaned back waiting for her to start.

"Taehyung, I c-came here to thank you"

Before I could say anything she lifted her hand stopping me.

"Let me finish", she said and continued, "Its just that am very thankful to you as you handled everything, umm handled m-me so well", she said looking down looking adorable as she seemed cute when she is this nervous.

"You didn't questioned anything, didn't reacted spontaneously and am also embarrassed about my condition"

I frowned upon hearing that, as she doesn't have to be embarrassed about it at all. It wasn't her fault.

"Kuhu", I said sternly getting up from my seat and sitting beside her on the bed facing her while she looked at me with doe eyes turning to her right side so that now we were face to face.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about anything okay... It wasn't your fault so stop feeling that way", I said and she just looked at me in a way that after few seconds I have to wave my hand in front of her face bringing her back from the train of thoughts ,"Kuhu!"

"Oh sorry! But-"

"No buts and you don't have to thank me for anything , you are my responsibility", I said making her eyes wide and I just realized what I said, why do I realize everything after saying in front of her.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now