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"Oh come on Jin, won't you even look at me", I whined walking before a grumpy Jin who god knows why is acting so upset.

"I should be the one upset over here, you poured a jug on me", I complained but still no use. I sighed knowing he is upset cause of Yoongi not because I talked to him, well that also upsets him but he is majorly grumpy about the fact that I mentioned that stupid pact.

Me, Jin and Taehyung were on our way to college as we three decided to walk while Jimin and Jungkook took a cab because of Jimin's injury.

I looked at my side to see Taehyung but he wasn't there too so I turned back and there he was, walking in his own world. On the other hand Jin was walking in double pace and I didn't knew whom to follow.

I hate these kind of situations when am either ignored or not given much attention. I guess Jin and Jimin literally spoiled me with all the attention they shower on me that even for a minute I hate to be alone.

I stopped on my track for Taehyung to walk further and when he was beside me I poked him with my elbow asking, "What happened ? You seem to be lost"

He looked at me and then ahead, walking without answering me and I was standing there dumbfounded with my jaw hanging that what have I done to deserve this treatment.

They both were now quite ahead of me so I decided to throw a tantrum as its enough now.

"I SHOULD HAVE GONE WITH JK AND JIMIN", I yelled sitting on the pavement with crossed legs earning few stares from the pedestrians while instantly Jin and Taehyung turned back to my voice only to get there eyes big.

They immediately jogged to my direction surely getting embarrassed by my behavior especially Jin as he was giving nervous smiles to the ones who were glaring at our direction.

On the other hand Taehyung literally looked shocked yet concerned about why I was sitting in the middle of the pathway with my hand folded on my chest as I was determined not to move as it was now my time to act grumpy.

"Kuhu get up NOW", Jin said like a mother scolding there child when they act out in public.

Instead of listening to him I turned 180 degree around showing him my back conveying him that I won't listen to him.

"Kuhu what happened?", Taehyung asked me crouching down at my side and I just glared at him with anger making him instantly gulp with fear. It was honestly funny to see him scared but I have to compose myself.

"Did you answered when I asked that", I replied looking away.

"This is not the place for you to behave like this", Jin tried to hold my arm making me stand but I slapped it instantly to which he winced looking at me like he will kill me but I wasn't ready to surrender just yet.

"I'm sorry Kuhu I was thinking something else, I didn't mean to ignore you", Taehyung said with guilty voice that literally made me soft as majorly I was doing this to piss off Jin not to make Taehyung sad and guilty.

I was about to say something but before I could even turn back to Taehyung I felt two strong arms wrapped up around my waist picking me up like I was nothing, making me shocked.

"Leave me!", I said slapping Jin's hands around me but it looked like it didn't had much effect on him as he literally turned me around in circles holding me tightly against his chest making me laugh hard.

"Put me down!", I said in between my laughs as I was feeling dizzy with all the turns. He put me down still holding my waist as I was unable to maintain some balance.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now