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"Okay Taehyung this is really a lot", Kuhu started again with how this is all too much and we could have just went to some park and talked etc etc etc. We will talk and share some time but not just in a park, she deserves better and I'm here to provide it.

"I mean come on this was not needed-"

"I will wrap you up and will put a duct tape on your mouth if you kept on speaking", I warned her, cutting her out and looked like it worked as I took a glance of her before looking back on the road.

She huffed out a breath and folded her hands, sliding down on the seat sulking with a pout like a baby she is, cute..

"Okay so now the ride is little long, what should we do to pass some time?", I asked her as I entered the highway crossing the city crowd.

No answer..

"Kuhu?", I called her again, now looking at her direction as she isn't replying.

"Why aren't you replying me?", I asked as I kept my eyes on the road, driving not too fast.

"Because you said you will wrap me up and will put a duct tape on my mouth if I kept on talking, sorry correction speaking", she copied the whole thing I said in a complaining manner making me laugh hard on her adorable self.

"God Kuhu I wanted you to stop talking about the thing I planned", I said in between my laugh continuing, "Definitely didn't wanted you to stop talking completely"

"That means I can talk right?", she asked me sitting straight on her seat to which I chuckled nodding my head as I took a quick look of her face.

"Thank god! I thought how will I survive not speaking at all", she said smiling widely heaving out a sigh and I thought she really thought I would want that and she really was ready to not speak.

"So any ideas what we can do to pass this time?", I asked again while she looked out of the window with squinted eyes thinking hard.

"Idea!!", she exclaimed clicking her fingers now facing me, "We can play wordplay, like I will say a word and you have to answer back with whatever pops in your mind immediately related to what I say and then I will do the same, cool?", she asked me after explaining me the whole game and how can I say no to her so I replied saying, "You start"

"Yayy!", she clapped her hands and said the word, "Car"

"Road trips", I replied.

"Friends", I remember her telling me that how she wanted to go on a road trip with friends.

"Family", my friends are my family.



"You", she said looking at me and I felt a hard thump in my heart as soon as I looked at her smiling face which reflected nothing but how genuine she was while saying that while on the other hand I was shocked and take aback.

I am important to her, was the only thing came in my mind as I literally felt overwhelmed.

"You lost, time over", she said with a chuckle, shrugging her shoulders.

I cleared my throat saying, "I didn't see that coming, sorry"

"What?", she asked so casually and I felt like to change the subject but again I am here to get my feelings cleared up, I should say what comes in my mind.

"That I am important to you", I replied in a low tone but enough for her to hear. Through my peripheral view I could see her looking at me.

I looked at her as she opened her mouth to say something but then she stopped and slowly sat straight now looking out of the window.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now