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We all headed towards our last class which was English. 

I was preparing myself as she was the one I feared the most. Yes not even Mrs Solomon scares me like she does. Mrs Joseph, she can be really intimidating you know as she has this aura which can scare you really easily, and am sure just by looking at me she have this feel that her day just got ruined. She hates me that much.

Just as we arrived in front of our classroom Jimin looked around asking, "where is Taehyung?"

"There he is..", Jungkook said pointing behind making all of us turn around.

There he was, Taehyung. 

I might have heard about him from Jimin time to time as how he is his pillar and how they are the closest and share a special bond. 

But honestly I find him strange little weird actually as, in the canteen he didn't speak a word, than outside when I apologized to him he just nodded and excused himself, like come on that was kinda rude. But maybe he was just upset after all it's his first day and he had to deal with all this drama. But I'm not judging am just saying that am getting all this weird vibes from him.

"Where were you?", Jimin asked as soon as Taehyung walked up to us.

"Was in the staff room", he said in a monotonous way, "I told you, you could have met them afterwards too", Jimin said casually.

"Yeah... But I had time soo"

"but we don't have time for our class now... get in already", Jin cut off Taehyung pushing us all in the classroom.

We all settled down. Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin sitting in the second row while me and Jin took the seat behind them.

"Don't worry Kuhu, its our last class okay", Jimin said turning back with a reassuring smile while Jungkook also turned back passing me a gentle smile and I nodded my head smiling towards both of them. 

Jin held my hand reassuringly and I just took a deep breath ready to welcome the danger but to my surprise a different professor entered the classroom.

We all greeted him, and he gave us a cute smile in return, asking all the students to sit down. I noticed that he had dimples just like me which made me smile a bit.

"Good afternoon you all, I'm your new English professor Kim Namjoon", he said with a smile and my eyes widened 'New English professor...Am I dreaming' I pinched my arm with the thought.

I hissed at the pain which made me realize that this is all.. Its real. I no longer have to worry about her and finally this day is seeming to be a little less cruel. I looked at Jin squeezing his hand in excitement to which he just chuckled lightly not to get us caught.

"I am here as a replacement for Mrs Joseph and will be taking her classes from now onwards ,I hope we all will get along well", he said confirming the fact that she is gone.

The class was going on and shockingly I was paying attention, making notes cause now finally I had one class I don't have to worry about. On the other hand I must say, he is a superb teacher. He was all intellectual and energetic maybe cause he was quite young as he was hardly two or three years older than us. He had this friendly aura around him and a cute smile on his face all the time.

Soon the bell rang making the class dismissed. We all stood up heading out but as we all were leaving, "Miss Kuhu can I talk to you for a minute", Mr Namjoon called making me and my friends to stop at the doorway. I looked back at them nodding my head asking for them to leave, and walked towards my new teacher.

"Yes sir..", I said boldly trying to sound confident.

"I was going through the reports of all the students and found out that the teachers aren't much fascinated by you, huh?", he asked making the small ray of happiness in me to vanish off. I couldn't answer his question without feeling embarrassed, I just looked down and nodded my head slightly.

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