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'Ouch', I winced mentally on the harsh grip on my waist. I mean its not that painful but yeah honestly not so subtle either.

We are dancing from past two hours now with a minimum of 10 minutes break. I don't know what have gotten into Taehyung today, he seems to be cold and expression less.

With every move I am feeling a little jerk and with every contact a bit of tight grip, like he is mad with me or something.

Have I done something to make him that angry?

"Taehyung", I gasped taking his name on the last step as with how much force he swung me that I felt like I will fall down but thanks to his firm grip on my waist, although my hands are wrapped up quite tightly around his neck cause of fear.

He made me stand on my feet while we both struggled to catch some air being in the same position, wrapped up in each others arms.

"Sorry", he mumbled making me look up at him, finding that he was already looking at me. I was unable to read him as he was so expressionless. His face showing nothing but blankness.

"Taehyung what happened?", I asked in my voice next to a whisper and that's when I found something changing in his eyes, they turned a bit soft.

His grip on my waist loosened as he said, "Nothing", and went towards his bottle, sitting at the corner of the room while I stood there with confusion.

I turned back to look at him and man was he looking hot, did I just said that..

He was dripping in sweat yet looking so fine. His back was resting on the mirror and believe me when I say his body was radiating heat as the mirror was covered with steam. His long bangs stuck on his forehead while his chest heaving up and down. 

His adam's apple bobbing up and down with every sip of water he was gulping. Beads of sweats sliding down his neck making his already smooth skin shining like a precious gem. His white shirt wet from all the hard dancing, stuck on his chest leaving no room for imagination.

Taehyung's looks are no joke I always knew that, hell he was the first guy I found my eyes hard to move from but today looking at him is making me feel something different. Looking at the beauty resting in front of me is making me swallow the air in my mouth.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", his deep husky voice bought me back from my perverted trance as literally I was checking him out like anything.

His eyes moved from the water bottle towards me making me even more anxious and it all made me wonder why am I feeling nervous?

"Nothing", composing myself and my thoughts I replied him with the same 'nothing' he replied me with just a minute ago and to my success he caught that too.

I walked towards the different corner now resting on the opposite side of him so that we were facing each other from across the room.

He exhaled deeply and stood up from his position walking straight towards me making me eye his every step and movement.

He stretched out his hand giving me the water bottle while I was just exchanging my gaze between him and the bottle. I was acting a little moody now although I knew he was the one who is not in a mood.

Since the moment we left our apartment he was all quiet and spaced out while me and Jin were usually bickering about nothing and Jimin and Jungkook took the cab. In the cafeteria too he was just poking his food with the chopsticks not eating much.

Seeing that I wasn't grabbing the bottle he sighed and sat across me folding his legs. He took my right hand into his big ones and made me hold the bottle without my will. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and a small pout.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now