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"Umm lets start with...Introduction", says kuhu making taehyung to look at her all confused.

"Introduction?", he asked raising his eyebrows still not getting her point.

"Yeah introduction.. you see we didn't got to introduce us well in fact we didn't said hello to each other so lets take it from the top.. what say?", kuhu asked excited by her idea to pass this night which actually both were enjoying now.

Taehyung nodded smilingly thinking for a second that is she the same person who scolded him bad for spilling the coffee. Kuhu clapped her hands in excitement and taehyung chuckled at her small action.

They both were sitting with crossed legs, face to face on the mattress kuhu brought with her.

"Hii I'm Kuhu", she said smiling brightly bringing her hand in front for a hand shake. She realized it soon that she never likes to shake hands than why is she doing it so spontaneously but her thoughts were disturbed when she felt a warm touch. She looked down at their hands together as taehyung took her small hands in his and she felt a tingling effect in her stomach instantly from the touch.

It was something new something not so common about the touch, it quickly reminded her of the time when she fell on him. At that time she was so scared that she couldn't sense it but now it is hitting her.

Why this feels so nice , she thought to herself.

On the other hand taehyung was hesitant before shaking her hand but something took up in him and he wanted to remove this barrier of nervousness between them, Why? he didn't have the answer to that as this was new for him, wanting to interact with someone was new for him.

So he accepted kuhu's hand shake gladly but as soon as he did that he felt different too. At first he thought maybe cause he is distant from girls that's why but this was not the case and he knew it. It felt good and sort of comfortable. Her touch soothed him, made him feel like home.

They didn't realized that they were now just holding hands and nothing else but as soon as their eyes met with each other they came back to their senses and taehyung cleared his throat saying, "Hello Kuhu , am Taehyung".

He gently shook her hand and they quickly pulled back. Kuhu felt her cheeks burning, something very unusual as she didn't know what was happening. She was glad that its night time and he won't be able to see it.

"Soo umm taehyung where are you from?", kuhu continued breaking the awkwardness.

"Daegu", he replied with a smile.

"Wow my best friend is from daegu too", kuhu said making taehyung confused as he knows Jin and jimin but they aren't from daegu so who is she talking about.

Noticing his expressions kuhu continued ,"well I will tell you about him later" and taehyung just nodded.

"What about you kuhu ,have you always been in Seoul?", taehyung asked playing along.

"Yup I was born in here"

"BTW what's your favorite food?", kuhu asked curiously and taehyung instantly replied, "I love hamburgers with a cola on the side"

"Hamburgers !! well am not a fan of burgers", kuhu said scrunching her nose as she mostly avoided having burgers ,only ate it in the worst case scenarios when there were no other options left.

"How can you not like burgers!!!", taehyung asked kuhu, shocked that how can someone not like burgers. Kuhu chuckled and said, "Relax its just that I like other things far more than I like burgers I never said anything against them"

"So what things you like more than burgers", taehyung said sarcastically mocking kuhu making her slap his arm lightly and they both laughed a little. They didn't realized but they were starting to get comfortable with each other now.

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