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"Great! Now we are stuck here", I said tilting my head on the windowpane of the taxi.

"Stop complaining", Jin said turning around from the passenger seat saying, "The traffic will clear off soon"

"Who's great idea was it to get packed food from the restaurant ourselves instead of just ordering it later?", I asked piercing my eyes at him.

"Don't look at me, it was Jimin", he said turning back.

"He is not here, is he?", I whined saying sarcastically as I just wanted to let out my frustration that's it.

"Yeah so that makes me your target?"


"I'm sorry to interrupt your sweet talk but the traffic is clear now, in case you both didn't notice", Taehyung said smiling a little pointing towards the main road.

I heaved a sigh sulking back in my seat thinking about killing Jimin as he was the one to suggest the idea but we are the ones who got stuck while on the other hand Jungkook and this dumpling are already home.

I tilted my head back at the glass while gazing throughout the taxi. Noticing the cream interior with a typical screen stuck on the dashboard for directions. The seats looked old and worn out but still maintained and clean. 

I had nothing better to do than observe the already known taxi interior, as if I will talk to Jin we'll just end up bickering again while if I'll talk to Taehyung, well I won't be able to say anything in the first place.

Since the amazing gift I got from all of them, we haven't talked much.

His words are still loud and clear to me, roaming in my mind at a constant pace.

It's not only me who hasn't initiated, he is quiet too. 

Maybe he is regretting what he said?

Ah! I shouldn't think like that otherwise I won't be just puzzled I will be sad too.

He is upset from the moment Jin announced about the next surprise waiting for me at home. Honestly, I want to ask him that what happened or something like that cause communicating is not difficult for us.


But Jin is here plus after everything that happened back in college like his compliments, his dance, his performance and not to forget his words, I'm a little tongue-tied.

Diving deep in my thoughts I didn't realize we were home until the driver pulled the breaks and that too harshly as I got my head bumped against the glass.

I hissed a little rubbing the area and instantly Taehyung asked, "You okay?"

I smiled at his question thinking he can never stop caring about me even when he was definitely upset about something.

Damn! I'm being such a teenager right now.

"I'm fine", I replied while Jin cut me off saying, "Chill Taehyung maybe she will get some sanity", he chortled getting out of the taxi and collecting the food packages while I glared at him as he broke my moment.

Taehyung smiled shaking his head maybe cause of our endless bickering and said, "Let's go"

I nodded leaving the taxi and instantly felt the cold breeze against my partly exposed body. It's no joke to carry such a dress seriously. I guess it was my lazy self who never wanted to put in any effort but at the end of the day, I'm happy to try something like this.

As soon as we reached the entrance Jin stopped me from turning the knob.

"You have to cover your eyes first", that's all he said showing me a silky blindfold which made me cock my eyebrow at him.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now