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"Are you sure you're okay?", I asked worried for him.

"Asking me million times the same question won't change my answer", he replied.

Here I was, getting a piggyback ride from Taehyung and don't even get me started on the way I'm feeling...awkward.

My hands encircling him firmly so that neither do I fall off and nor do I choke him. His both hands holding me so gently careful enough not to let my stupid sprained knee have any kind of pain.

But the only tough part was how my lips were so damn near his neck and ear. I was hoping for him not to be much sensitive about it as I don't want him to feel any kind of sensations around cause come on that would be embarrassing for both of us. But me breathing itself was becoming difficult as now I can't make myself stop breathing now, can I ?

He was just humming softly making me wonder is he trying to ignore the ticklish sense or he genuinely doesn't feel anything. Somehow it was fun too, I mean this was my first piggyback ride, I guess that's why I'm enjoying it way too much.

Right this has nothing to do with taehyung being the one to give me a ride..

I convinced myself somehow.

But I was literally feeling bad that cause of my clumsy behavior he is suffering cause damn I might be heavy. I'm not fat but I'm not light as feather as well.

I didn't realized that meanwhile with all the thoughts running in my head we arrived the changing room. I was about to ask him to put me down but got shocked when realized he is opening the door.

"What are you doing!!!!"

"Ahh don't forget you are screaming in my ears", he said tilting his head and squinting his eyes.

"Oh sorry", I muttered.

"But put me down I will get my bag"

"I'm not letting you go in all alone", he said sternly making me want to back off from the argument for a second but I have to insist harder.

"Taehyung its a girl's changing room are you sure you wanna go in?", I asked knowing he will back off and I will win.

He took a pause of two-three seconds making me think damn yes I won but, "There will be no girl in at this hour", he said and opened the door letting us both in and making me widen my eyes.

He steadily made me sit on the bench and turned around to crouch down in front of me gently placing a hand on my knee which literally made all the blood in my body to reach up my cheeks making them crimson red in color and I'm just hoping he won't notice my flushed state.

"How's the pain, I hope I was gentle", he asked with a concerned tone looking at my knee which made my eyes soften as how much he is worried about a silly sprain.

I chuckled softly to which he looked at me immediately with confused gaze.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Cause you are worrying too much for this small sprain, it will be okay in no time", I said flicking his forehead to which he winced lightly rubbing the area with a pouty face.

"We have to take care to keep it a 'small' sprain only", he said emphasizing the word small making me smile. I nodded my head and he grinned showing his perfect boxy smile.

Its awesome that we are able to see each other quite perfectly with only the help of a flash light.

"What is your locker number?", he asked getting up and just then a thought came running in my mind faster than a cheetah that I kept all of my things in my bag right?

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now