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"Namjoon Sir"

"Having fun Miss Kuhu", he said with a raised brow while having a little smirk printed on his face.

"Sir-", I felt like the words were stuck in my throat. Jungkook quickly paced towards me, lifting me up as I forgot that I was still down on the floor.

"Good morning Sir", we both said in unison and in return he just chuckled.

"Morning", he replied and continued, "How about you both help me with the papers, being the reason of this mess", he pointed his chin over the scattered papers.

"Of course", I said and elbowed Jungkook to hurry up. We bent down collecting everything while Sir picked few papers himself.

"Here", said Jungkook passing me the bundle while I arranged them for Sir.

The moment I stretched my hands out he said, "Kuhu can you please follow me to my cabin, I need to talk to you"

"It wasn't her fault sir, it was me who was chasing her", Jungkook defended me before even I could say a word.

"Relax Jungkook its about something else", he said with an assuring smile which made me smile looking at the cute bunny standing beside me.

"Kuhu", sir called me gesturing to follow him while I nodded and walked behind him. Looking back I mouthed to Jungkook saying, 'I will be okay see you in the cafeteria', he nodded before fading out of my sight.

We reached the English department as he asked me to place the bundle on his desk which was still in my hold.

"Have a seat Kuhu"

I took the seat in front of his desk while he sat comfortably in his big and tall leather chair, swinging left and right a little as he intertwined his fingers while his elbows rested on the armrest looking directly at me as if waiting for me to say something.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?", I asked hesitantly breaking the awkward silence as the only thing which can be heard was the little murmuring of other teachers being in the adjoining cabins.

He smiled before resting himself on the desk as he leaned further saying, "Why didn't you attended classes last two days?"

Now what will I say?? That I was in a dilemma after being fake kissed by Taehyung or no I was busy digging out about my feelings about him which even I don't know exists or not??

"I had some emergency", I guess that's the most he needs to know.

Surprisingly he smiled as he leaned back in his chair and asked, "Can we name that emergency as Mark?"

His question shocked me will be an understatement as all I could think about was how does he know that and does that means he knows about the cafeteria drama too?

If yes, then I'm in big trouble..

"W-What are you talking about?", I said looking everywhere but at him as its highly difficult for me to even make stuff up when I'm having an eye contact with someone.

"Well let's just say we professors aren't that oblivious as you all may consider us to be", okay he knows everything and that was my cue to start rambling-

"I don't know Sir it was Mark's fault, he asked Taehyung to kiss me in front of everyone and I know Taehyung shouldn't have done what he did but he actually didn't kissed me, I mean he did but he kissed his thumb which was over my lips, he wanted that Mark to shut up and we really are sorry to create such drama and-", I said everything in one breath but got my lips sealed the moment I noticed him staring at me with what we can call as, astonishment.

IT ALL CAN TURN REAL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now