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"Where are we walking to?", Kuhu asked me eagerly as she kept on kicking the stone while I walked behind her with my hands stuffed in my jeans pocket as we walked on the pavement.

I couldn't answer cause I was busy adoring the girl in front of me, playing with the stone like a kid.

You know what is the best part about her?

Her innocence, she is so different. Although I know I don't have any frame of reference but I really do know she is not like others.

She is not too bold but that doesn't make her weak, she is not too cunning but that doesn't mean you can mislead her, she is not too practical but that doesn't make her completely emotional, she have balance.

I know nobody is perfect and I am not even looking for perfection, its her imperfections that makes her naturally perfect.

"Taehyung?", she asked now stopping on her tracks and turning around to face me.

"You will see, we are almost there", I replied her with a smile. She mumbled a small 'okay' continuing with her little play.

Thankfully we passed our awkward situation pretty quickly. After getting out of the aquarium Kuhu talked casually like nothing happened as if she left the moment back in the building only, but for me whatever happened in there will be marked in my mind forever.

Back there, as we stood in front of the building she turned around bowing and saying Thank You to the building with a large dimple grin stuck to her face and that made me laugh really hard.

We both laughed along after that and started walking to our next spot leading us to where we are now.

"We are here", I announced as we reached the place.

She picked up the stone keeping it in her bag and I know the reason very well, she grew attached.

Let me prove myself..

"Why did you put that stone in your bag?", I asked pointing towards her bag.

She smiled scrunching her nose saying with breathy giggles, "I grew attached"

Told you..

I chuckled shaking my head and pointed towards the place in my right. She turned around and I got to see the glint in her eyes which I expected.

"A dog cafe... Really!", she exclaimed as she intertwined her hands with a clap.

"Really", I said nudging her with my elbow. I have to do a little research to find places around Seoul but looks like it was all worth it.

"Let's get in", she said grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her.

Kuhu you have to stop doing that, I am getting habitual..

As we got in, a bunch of dogs rushed in our direction making Kuhu giggle and crouch down to pat their heads one by one.

I have a high amount of liking towards dogs but currently this girl was the only thing I was fond of.

I crouched down next to her patting an Eskie, its white and soft furs really catchy to the eyes.

I crouched down next to her patting an Eskie, its white and soft furs really catchy to the eyes

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