Chapter 72: Broken

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3rd Person POV

"Cap. What do you want me to do with this damn thing?" Clint ran through the battle field with the nano gauntlet in his arms.

"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve shouted to him. He smacked an outrider towards Bruce, who smacked the creature aside.

"No! We need to get 'em back where they came from." Bruce corrected him. They needed to get those stones back to their original spots in time.

"No! We need to use the stones to bring back the stones in our time. Then we put them back." (Y/N) said next, making Clint roll his eyes at the three different things he just got told to do.

"There's no way for us to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony said, making the whole process a lot harder. Great, they were fucked.

"Hold on." Scott shrank back down to his normal size, grabbing the van keys from his pocket. "That wasn't our only time machine." He tapped a button on the keys. The van's horn echoed across the battlefield, confusing Steve as to where the vehicle was.

"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" Steve asked.

"Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked." Valkyrie said loudly as shots whizzed past her. The van was in the middle of enemy forces.

"Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?" Tony questioned.

"Uh, maybe 10 minutes." Scott answered.

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you." Steve stated, running off to the battle again.

"We're on it, Cap." Hope smiled at Scott.

"Yo, Copperfield." Tony landed down in front of Strange as he took out a group of outriders by dragging them into the ground.

"Two ways we win. You said that, right? Which one is this? One or two?" He asked, stretching his arms. It wasn't exactly asking for much. He was just curious.

"You understand that I can't tell you otherwise it won't happen, right?" Strange looked at him questioningly. Tony shook his head, knowing that already.

"Sure, sure. Then again, if I asked you the weather tomorrow, you'd probably say the same thing." He huffed, flying away again.

Clint slashed through aliens as he tried to make it to Scott with the gauntlet. He narrowly dodged a shot that landed in the ground behind him, causing him to roll forward before turning to see three Chitauri Gorillas coming at him. T'Challa suddenly burst down onto the ground, scattering the gorillas and the outriders as he turned around to Clint.

"Clint! Give it to me." His mask retreated as he spoke. Clint passed the gauntlet over, and T'Challa reformed his mask before taking off into a sprint. He kicked down Chitauri around him, taking care of them with skilful strikes before again releasing energy in a shockwave attack. As he moved to keep running, he was knocked down by Thanos' blade slamming into him and knocking the gauntlet to the ground. His weapon flew back to his hand, and he began charging T'Challa who looked up to see him.

Before Thanos could make much ground, (Y/N) slammed down in front of him, energy sparking from his body.

"How does round 6 sound to you?" He asked, extending his sword again and pointing it at Thanos.

"You'll die like you should've the last times, child." Thanos scowled as he continued charging. (Y/N) clashed his weapon against Thanos' blade, slicing down it and causing sparks as he bought the others enough time to get away with the gauntlet.

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