Chapter 86: Cerulean Sorcerer

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"Wanda, have you never been up against another witch before?" Agatha looked down at Wanda as she stood in the middle of Main Street. "You've fought the Avengers, robots, a genocidal purple alien. Yet you haven't fought one of your own kind." She laughed to herself as Wanda glared at her.

"Did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to both you and your boyfriend in the Darkhold? It's a shame he's not here so I could tell him, too." Agatha sighed in disappointment.

"No, no! Go ahead! I'm listening!" (Y/N)'s voice could be heard clearly by the two witches, sparking a well of bemusement. Looking over in the far distance and sky, they could see both (Y/N)'s in battle, one of which was looking over at them.

"Huh... I never thought that power actually existed. Talking over long distance when you could use a phone." Agatha muttered to herself. She summoned the Darkhold to appear and levitate in front of her, allowing her to read.

"The Scarlet Witch isn't born, she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantation." She started reading aloud, effectively pissing off Wanda.

"I'm not a witch. I don't cast spells. No one taught me magic!" Wanda shouted at her. Well... she just admitted that she doesn't have a coven or incantations... bit of a slip up on her part.

"Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It is your destiny to destroy the world." Agatha stopped her reading, turning onto the next page titled "Cerulean Sorcerer".

"Strange? Nah, nah, nah. You're full of... Actually I'm gonna agree with you on that. Hell, I could beat Strange." (Y/N) sounded as if he wasn't even trying to focus on fighting his former self. Agatha rolled her eyes and withheld another sigh.

"God, does he ever stop?" Her eyes slowly turned back to the Darkhold.

"No." (Y/N) responded, blocking an attack with his arm as he tried to keep focus on the woman so he could hear her from such a distance.

"The Cerulean Sorcerer. He also has no coven or need for incantation, but does use certain incantations to focus his energy better. His true power is held dormant to avoid damaging reality itself, but is brought to the surface during frenzies and blitz of emotion." The image on the page was that of a figure stood tall, clad in a hooded cloak, defined chestplate, and patterned leggings.

"Capable of tearing open the multiverse itself. His power is far greater then the Sorcerer Supreme, rivalling his counter part's power: the Scarlet Witch. While these two may be evenly matched, when ignited with anger, the Cerulean Sorcerer's power becomes almost twice that of an angered Scarlet Witch." Agatha could hear a faint exclamation of happiness from the man as he heard that. Wanda just seemed to be in a mix of confusion and anger.

"That's nice and all... but could you stop boycotting my lif-" (Y/N) was suddenly kicked out of the sky and through a house before he could finish. Agatha was so incredibly happy to hear him finally be dealt with by someone. Now she could read the last line.

"It is his destiny to either aid the Scarlet Witch in destruction or keep her in check from doing so." The Darkhold disappeared again once she has finished. Not only did Wanda refuse to believe she was what Agatha thought, she highly doubted that (Y/N) was whatever she said.

"We aren't what you say we are!" Wanda exclaimed, motioning her hands outwards.

"Oh, really?" Agatha turned towards one the random people scattered around. She began chanting in Latin again, pointing a hand out at Dottie. The woman snapped out of the spell she was under, walking over to Wanda in an urgent manner.

"Wanda?" She said.

"Dottie." Wanda watched as she stopped in front of her.

"My name is Sarah." She corrected. "I have a daughter. She's eight. Maybe she could be friends with your boys. If you like that storyline. Or, uh, the school bully, even. Really, anything. If you could just let her out of her room. If I could just hold her, please." Sarah began to spam words out. Wanda's head spun to look up at Agatha again.

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