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Lana's P.O.V

Peter just laughed at my response and softly smiled, "don't be embarrassed, it's just a hug!"

As he continued to chuckle quietly, my heart began to ache and my surroundings began to disappear. Dropping to the ground, I grabbed my head and began to cry out in pain. Tears plagued my wide and dry eyes as I clawed at my hair.





Loud flashes flickered in my eyes as loud sounds filled my ears.

Tyres ripping themselves to shreds in order to stop. The metal of a car creating a thud after hitting something.

A piercing scream of a woman from somewhere behind me.

Quickly I worked hard to cover and uncover my ears, so hard and quick I began to beat at my head subconsciously.

Hands grabbed my arms as I screamed, "mom!"


The scene shriveled as I faded back- tears had slid down my face and off of my chin somehow.

Looking around, I had finally realized that I was squatting close to the ground with my hands cuffing my ears. Winona and Pietro stood in the doorway staring from afar- Winona looked like she had seen a ghost. Pietro- well, he frowned at me and his eyebrows crashed together. He looked like he understood something that everyone else was missing.

My throat was sore and felt tight and dry.

Wiping the freshly fallen tears off of my face- I took in a deep breath and released it. I did that about seven more times before Winona spoke softly, "Lana..."

Pausing to make sure I was listening, once I had glanced at her, she continued, "are you alright?"

I stared at her silently, and as she started walking toward me quietly and smoothly, I began to back up, "I'm- I'm-..." My eyes darted across the room as my mind went on a rampage, "I'm fine." My feet began to carry me around the counter opposite of Winona and out into the hallway.

As I headed for the elevator I watched Clint, Natasha, and Tony run past the corner of the hallway, and then stop when they saw me.

Looking away from them, I reached for the down button and pressed it.

Natasha came running up to me, "Lana, what happened?"

"I saw a spider." My mouth moved and spoke before I could think of a real excuse- one that could explain everything. But my mind wouldn't stop and my heart was beating far too fast for me to calm down yet.

As the door to the elevator opened, I walked in and hit the lobby button. While the doors shut, I watched Peter, Winona, and Pietro jog into view from between the closing doors.

And then the doors closed.

Once I reached the lobby and the doors opened, I rushed out of the front doors and to my car. However, once I got inside, I didn't turn it on, I didn't do anything. I sat, and I sat, and I sat there. Doing nothing as I stared out at traffic.

The scene replaying in my mind.


Grabbing the steering wheel, I let out a loud scream and threw my head into the outer bend of the wheel. Tears wouldn't stop falling.

Why can't I forget?

Why am I asking that? I know why.

Why the memory is burned into my mind. Why I freaked out when Peter told me to not be embarrassed of our hug. Why no matter how hard I try, I will never forget what happened that day.

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