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I glanced over the couch at the unconscious figure with a mere look of boredom before turning back around. “So Arrow it is then?”

“What? No, Mr. Stark just fainted!” Peter stressed.

I glanced once again over the couch at my father lying on the floor, “it’s about time.”

Peter exasperatedly asked, “About time?”

With a sigh, I stood up and said, “yeah, the great Tony Stark has finally had something happen to him that he hates, and he can’t do anything about it.” I smiled and walked over to Peter’s side, “he even fainted because of it, a complete bonus!”

Peter rubbed his forehead roughly and then ruffled his hair. As I stared down at my dad and Peter stressed about what to do, Natasha walked into the living room. “What are you two doing?”

“Mr. Stark just fainted!” Peter called as I laughed at his extreme reaction.

“Fainted huh? Must have got some sort of bad news or just something he can’t handle. It’s about time.” I nodded and smiled in agreement as Nat continued, “what was it that made him faint anyway?”

With a wide smile, I grabbed a stressed Peter’s arm and pulled myself next to him, “we’re dating.”

Natasha took in a deep breath and then released it, “don’t lie to me, it’s painful!”

I laughed and said, “as weird as it probably sounds, it’s true. So, I’m not lying, but I don’t understand why it would be painful for you if I was.”

As I finished talking Thor, Winona, Pietro, and Clint came waltzing into the room. Thor and Winona were talking softly as Pietro and Clint walked in side by side, “what aren’t you lying about?”

Natasha squealed and asked, “really? That’s great!”

As Nat tackled me in a hug Thor quoted my words, “it seems Mr. Parker here has won the hand of little Lana. Congratulations, that is a challenging feat.”

Clint looked at Thor behind him and then back at me and back at Thor, “you’re lying…” he then looked back at me, “he’s lying! Right, I mean how could he even hear what you said from where we were if I couldn’t?” I watched as Clint laughed in denial.

“Asgardian hearing is much more soundly developed than that of your Midgardian ears. I would never lie about little Lana.” Thor explained as he smiled at me before shaking Peter’s hand.

“Ow, my rib!” I heard a rough voice yell. As I looked down I saw Stark had finally woken back up and Thor was stepping on his chest a little.

Thor stepped off and called joyously, “ah the mediocre at best father of little Lana, you must have heard the news! Isn’t it wonderful? She’s growing up to be a well-rounded and respectable young lady!”

Winona screeched, slashing through Thor’s cheerful bouts, “wait- wait- wait! You two are dating? That’s why you were holding hands so comfortably today? I thought you just accidentally super glued your hands together!”

Pietro shuffled back as Winona continued to freak out and covered her mouth with his hand. As he effectively muzzled her he said softly with a smile, “congratulations, I’ll take Winona outside, so she can collect herself.”

With that, he was off as he dragged a squirming Winona away with him.

“Well now that, that’s over- no, I don’t accept this and I won’t allow this. Get your hands off his arm- and you, don’t let her kiss you ever again” Stark began ranting.

While he ranted I felt Peter free his arm from my grip, causing me to pout from his obedience to my father until he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in front of him. I stared at my dad smugly as Peter pulled me into a back hug and laid his chin on my right shoulder. Stark’s eyes wide as I felt a soft kiss press onto my cheek quickly. 

I watched as he opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. He closed his pointed finger and slammed his hand down to his side before stomping away to his lab. As he marched away Natasha glided over to us smoothly and said, “I’ll keep him on a tight leash.”

With a wide smile I nodded and she walked toward the next room, stopping at the door frame she cheered, "oh and congrats, we've been waiting forever!" As soon as she finished her remark I watched her leave the room.

After she left I went to move but Peter still had me locked in a backhug, "uh, Peter?"


I placed my hands over his, "are you going to let go?"

Without a second lost he responded, "let's just stay like this for a minute."

It's not that I minded him holding onto me at all, I just really wanted to sit down. 

So after a minute I said softly, "Peter my legs..."

It didn't take another word before I was lifted off of the ground and brought to the couch. Still wrapped in his arms as he laid back and grabbed the remote, "we can watch anything other than Arrow, I don't need to see you oggling someone else."

In a defensive tone I called, "I do not oggle him!"

"Oh please, you drool over him!" Peter rolled his eyes.

I glanced back up at him, "fine...I wanna watch Star Wars...not I wanna watch Flash!"

And so began a long hour of arguing over what show to watch. Eventually, he gave in and just let me watch Arrow because he felt more threatened by the guy who played Flash. 

We laid there in each others company as we watched about five episodes of Flash. Then finally I heard footsteps coming nearer. I looked over at the doorway as familiar blonde hair whipped into the room.

A snowy haired cheetah following right behind her as she stopped in front of the television, "Lana, we've got a bit of a problem downstairs, we're being attacked a little bit."

I sat up and sighed as I clicked the built in button on my arc reactor, "of course we are."

Peter stood up and tapped his watch as his suit wrapped tightly around him, the nano-plated armor covering him well. I smiled as I said, "looks like the prototype design was a success."

Pietro called, "I think commenting on how well you're homemade suit looks is something you should do later."

I gave him a fierce look as Peter said, "let's go, we'll see you guys out there!"

As they ran off I heard Peter mumble whisper just enough that I could still hear him, "don't talk like that to her."

As they ran out I heard my suit coming down the staircase using it's thrusters. I stood still as it assembled piece by piece around me kind of like Peter's suit. With a smirk I balled my fist when it finished assembling and said, "let's go."

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