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After a few seconds had passed I pulled away for air. My lungs were aflame as my eyes fluttered open. My breathing was heavy and uneven as Peter stared back at me. 

In that moment I was vulnerable and weak. I cleared my throat as I removed my arms from around his neck and stepped out of his arms. I looked around at the ground, "we should both head home, we're soaked and we'll both catch colds if we stay in these clothes. I'll call my car but we need to get under cover to dry up a bit before hand."

Peter watched me as I looked up and smiled slightly in an uneasy way. He hadn't said anything about what had just happened to confirm that it was alright or not. Since that was my first kiss I had tried to keep it limited. 

"Are you alright? Your ears are bright red." Peter mumbled as he put a hand to my forehead and flipped it. 

I grabbed his hand and pulled it off of my forehead, "very funny, let's get under cover."

I dragged him across the street to a store where there was an overhang and pulled him under. Then I pressed the arc reactor and told FRIDAY to send me my least expensive car with autopilot. She followed orders and we got in as the electric deep blue car pulled up. 

I set Peter's address in the navigation system as we sat in the back and buckled up as it started driving. We stayed silent for a bit while in the car. "So... I'm taking that reaction as meaning you feel the same?"

Peter questioned me as I looked over at him and bit my lip slightly. I then looked down and got flustered, "well, I uh, you see the thing is…-!" I paused and took in a deep breath before letting it go and finishing, "yeah, your right. Sorry, I'm not used to confessing back, ha. I'm used to rejecting womanizers and jerks who just want my money."

Peter smiled widely as I looked up at him innocently. Then I watched as he arched a brow, "does that mean…" he paused causing me to also raise both of my eyebrows, "you've never dated anyone before?" 

My eyes widened and I turned to look away, "what? No, that's-! That's, completely...the case." 

As I turned to look back I saw Peter's wide smile turn into a slightly shy one as his face turned pink. I smirked slyly, "do you have a fever? Your face is pretty pink, Parker." I placed the back of my hand on his forehead only to feel that his forehead actually was scorching. 

I yanked my hand back, "oh my god Peter, you actually are getting a fever!"

He looked away and said softly, "no, I'm fine, it's nothing."

Shaking my head I scoffed out, "when we get to Aunt May's I'm helping you reduce your fever. It's pretty bad already, I just hope Aunt May has everything I'm going to need..."

I trailed off as I thought about it and then I covered my mouth as I squeaked, "oh no!"

Peter looked over at me, concern written on his face, "what? What's wrong?"

I sighed, "nothing, it's nothing, don't even worry!"

I looked away as my own face darkened as well, I kissed him and he has a fever. I glanced over at his curious look and cupped his face in my hands, he looked taken aback, "you're in good care, I took care of myself plenty of times when I had a fever!" 

I released his face as we pulled into the driveway and I turned off the car and made sure it was in park. I pulled Peter by his arm into the house as he whined about being okay on his own. I opened the front door after Peter unlocked it only to hear Aunt May call, "Peter, is that you?"

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