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We continued walking the next few minutes in silence until we got into the store.

Ned was gone. He was searching for the game.

I walked around the store when I heard someone and something fall. I turned around and saw Ned standing near a fallen Peter, who was beside a rack of games that had fallen beside him. I chuckled and gave a brief jog to get over there fast. I bent down and grabbed Peter's hand and helped him up as I said "smooth move Parker".

Peter smiled awkwardly and said, "I leaned against the rack when I was looking at something and the next thing I know I'm on the ground beside it".

I chuckled and ruffled his hair as I said "nice going, Peter! I'm going over there to check out some multiplayer games." I smiled and walked over to the wall by the right side of the stores' corner and began looking through games. A few seconds later Peter and Ned appeared next to me and were looking with me.

We were heading back to Aunt May's when Ned got a phone call as we were about to enter the house. Peter opened the door for me, and I looked back at Ned who was standing on the other side of the porch talking to someone on the porch. I figured it was nothing big so I entered the house and Peter followed me in.

He shut the door and said, "Ned said to go in and he would join us in a little bit when he was done on the phone."

I nodded and headed to the living room with Peter following behind, the game in hand. Peter started the system and put the game in. We sat on the couch and talked randomly while laughing. As we heard footsteps coming towards the living room we looked to the doorway and saw Ned.

He gave us a sincere apologetic smile as he said "sorry guys, I have to go into work they need me. Have fun playing the game though! You too Peter!".

We told him it was okay and said our goodbyes.

I sat with my back to the right arm of the couch and I had my legs curled beside me. Peter was sat back on the couch with his legs open, and the controller between them. I smirked as he started round one and we beat half of the players like it was nothing.

When we got tired of facing opponents randomly we decided to play against each other, and it was hard.

I jumped over Peter's character and went to shoot him but he shot me first and I growled in frustration. I laughed as I shot him in the next round and he laughed so I said happily "Ты слишком милый."

Peter's face turned pink and I was confused. He didn't know full Russian right?

I looked at Peter and asked, "do you know full Russian?". Wait, he does I taught him the rest with Nat a while ago.

Peter nodded and questioned, "you said good game, right?"

My face tinged with a tulip pink I hid my face in my hands and looked away. I felt something light fly onto my head and I grabbed it to see it was his spiderman sweatshirt.

I looked at Peter and saw him looking away as he said: "you can wear it if you want."

I nodded and put it on. It was raining outside and I needed to head home in a few minutes.

I zipped it up. It was about three inches too big for me.

I put the hood up and turned to face Peter.

He turned to look at me and say something but, he just started laughing instead!

I asked annoyed "what are you laughing about?".

Peter chuckled and said "you look like the member of a cult! The hood covers your head so well!".

I looked down angrily as I said: "well if I didn't have to walk home in the rain then maybe I wouldn't be wearing your cult hoodie!".

Peter chuckled and said, "so, you don't like my hoodie?".

My face turned a harsher pink as I said softly "I never said that. I just said, that if I didn't have to walk home in the rain then I wouldn't have to wear the hood up. Also, what do you mean "don't like my hoodie?", I helped you pick it out!"

He snickered and said, "well, you also wouldn't if you'd checked the weather beforehand."

Rolling my eyes I said, "look FRIDAY told me it was going to be like every other day".

Peter smiled and said, "yeah, should have checked yourself".

I scoffed and said, "I'm so out, bye Parker!"

I walked to the front door and heard Peter call to me "when are you going to give me my hoodie back?"

I laughed evilly and said "never! It's mine now!"

He walked out of the living room and crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorway and asked: "is that right?"

I smirked and said "yep! Bye!"

I threw open the door carefully to not hit the wall and ran out laughing.

About halfway through the walk, I ran into a person in a light blue jacket.

It was a girl and when I looked at her, the first thing that caught my gaze was her blue eyes.

My eyes widened slightly as I stayed quiet before hearing a voice come from her mouth that sounded familiar.

Blinking back to reality I saw retro boxy framed glasses and blonde hair fall out of the hood.

She spoke again and asked "are you okay Lana? You look like you've seen a ghost".

I blinked again and stuttered out a "yeah".

It was Winona.

Smiling I just said a soft "just startled me, is all".

Win smiled and asked, "so, where are you headed from?"

I told her quietly "uh, Peter's, we were hanging out with Ned today."

She smiled and said, "sounds nice!"

I nodded softly and asked "you?"

Winona claimed "my parent's house, Pietro came with me. He's in the cafe right now. He wanted to get a coffee and I wanted a hot cocoa. Ya know, now that you're here you and I can head to mine and have a small sleepover, it'd be fun!"

I nodded and said "yeah."

She smiled and declared, "great, we can go in and get you a cocoa too, then we'll be on our way!"

I gave her a small smile and we headed in.

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