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I sent Peter to go check on Winona since I have to go talk to Nat and Bruce. I headed to the meeting room which was empty except for the two people waiting for me. I opened the door and entered. I shut the door and walked over to the two who were sitting on either side of the end seat. Oh great, I see how this is going to go.

Winona's P.O.V.

I stood frozen in my spot as the person stepped in. It was only Peter. I gave a sigh of relief when I saw that it was only him. He waved at us and said "hey, Lana  sent me here to check up on you Winona" Pietro walked by and grabbed my chips again. I glared at him as he smirked while eating my chips! I looked back to Peter and said "I'm fine. Pietro just keeps stealing my chips!" he chuckled lightly and said "k". Then as he turned around I asked "hey Peter?" he turned to face me as he asked "yeah?" I asked "has she said anything to you about when I might be able to run again?" he shook his head and said, "no, sorry". Then he looked me in the eyes and said "I know you ran again. That won't disappear. The extra inch of silver. It won't go away. Lana will see it next time she heads here. Possibly tomorrow. I have to go." He exited the room and shut the door. I mumbled a cuss and said to Pietro "we'll be in trouble now. I hope the chips were worth it" Pietro shrugged and said "they tasted kind of bad" I yelled annoyed "then why did you eat them all?!" he shrugged and said, "I wanted to annoy you." I plopped myself back onto the couch and messed around with my lock screen until Pietro showed me that his lock screen was of the day when the four of us took a selfie and it was he and I cropped out since our phone's needed the picture to be cropped to fit the frame. He grabbed my phone and did the same to my phone. I took my phone back and said "thanks. I really needed a lock screen change" he shrugged and sat down upside down with his head falling off of the couch's cushion. I was in a little ball by the arm of the couch and on social media. I was occasionally reading some ebooks. I had no idea what Pietro was doing on his phone. It then hit me. Today was the last day of training for the three of us! We wouldn't have to do it every day from now on! I missed it too. 

Lana's P.O.V.

I sat in the chair as they talked to me about not letting their relationship go public. I waved the idea off and told them I wouldn't. Nobody that isn't on the team would know about it. When they finished their speech I told them I had to go. I wanted to go see my puppy. They accepted my reasoning and let me leave. I walked to the roof passing by an entering spider boy. I walked up the stairs instead of using the elevator in an attempt to try and shake him off of my trail but he just followed me asking questions and talking to me. I got into my helicopter and went into the pit. Peter asked, "can I come with you?" I looked him in the eyes as I said "I'm just going to see my pup and play with him" his eyes lit up and I sighed as I said "passenger side." He got into the passenger seat and sat there until we got to Stark mansion. I turned off the engine and hopped out. I walked to the glass sliding door and opened it with my key. As soon as I did Thorgi ran to me and jumped on my leg trying to get me to pick him up or play with him. I chuckled and picked him up. I showed Peter and instantly Thorgi jumped from my arms to Peters. That was weird. Normally, he doesn't jump to anyone but my dad and me. Peter laughed at Thorgi's excited nature and asked: "is he usually like this?" I told him "not really when dad and I have company. He's taken a liking to you, Peter." Peter looked at me and smiled as he asked: "what's the little guys' name?" I pet Thorgi as he fidgeted and said "Thorgi. He's a husky." his shiny black and white coat of puppy fur gleamed under the light. I chuckled as he licked my hand. Peter let Thorgi down and Thorgi ran around us twice before running to his water bowl. I made sure he had food and water. Sure enough, he did.

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