Chapter 2 Page 10

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A few weeks later I headed to the compound to finish our training. As I walked in I saw a hammer fly past my head and hit the wall. I looked at the blonde man standing in the middle of the room as I heard Peters voice saying a hello from behind me and Winona as well. 

They stepped beside me and stared. 

Peter ran in and hugged the guy as he yelled "Thor!" is that really Thor? 

It's been too long since I've seen him. Like three years or so. 

Thor let go of Peter and walked towards me as he called "little human!" I glared and thought inwardly "yep. That's definitely him".

Thor lifted me onto his shoulder after hugging me and asked, "who is the new one?" I pointed and said, "Thor, that's Winona." I ducked and covered my mouth on the side Winona was as I whispered to Thor "that's Pietro's girlfriend". 

Thor laughed and looked at her as he said before I could stop him "I have no idea why you would date such a weird little man. I respect you though. That is something." 

Winona looked up at me and yelled "hey!" I jumped off of Thor's shoulder onto the ground and ran past Peter as I yelled: "I'll be back!". 

Winona ran after me with a normal speed for a human. 

This made me stop a bit until I fully stopped because she was speeding up and her hair was turning silver. 

It looked like a silver bob cut. 

She stopped running and slid to a halt as I asked "Winona?" she looked at me still frustrated as she asked "what?".

I grabbed a strand of hair and showed her. 

Her eyes opened wide and then went back to normal as she grabbed the strand and pushed it back as she stepped back. She held her hair in her hands as I asked: "you knew didn't you?".

Winona nodded and said "the week when you two went to go get something to eat from the empty kitchen after training. Pietro noticed and told me." 

I walked Winona to the benches and we sat down as she said "I told him about it. I didn't think it was getting this bad."  

I looked down and snapped my fingers up at the two boys. I called out "Pietro". 

Pietro ran over and asked "yeah?" I looked up at Winona's pleading eyes and told him "take her home. Take care of her. Do not under any circumstance let her run." 

Pietro looked at the girl who wouldn't look him in the eyes at the moment. He nodded and picked her up as he said: "Understood ma'am." He ran out of the compound to her home.

Peter walked over slowly as he asked: "what was that?" I looked at him and said "she didn't sleep last night, that's all. I didn't want her to hurt herself."

Peter nodded and asked "ready to train?" I gave him a small smile as I said "sure". 

Thor trained with Bruce. 

Tony trained with Vision, Wanda trained with Natasha, Clint trained with Sam, and Bucky trained with Scott. 

I ducked as Peter went for a head kick and I jumped up grabbing his leg I tripped him using my legs to sweep his only foot that was on the ground and he tripped. We were sweating. 

I helped him up and said "well now we're tied. Forty-two to forty-two" Peter nodded and sat on the bench as he drank some water. 

I went straight back to training though. I just wanted to make sure I couldn't do any more before I stopped. It took two more chin ups and I was done. I dropped and went to my water. I took a swig until I got splashed with water. I looked up and saw Peter with a hole in the cap of his water bottle.

 I glared and said "not funny" Peter shrugged and finished his water. I finished my water and decided to go get some lunch.

I hope Winona didn't run at all. If she runs one more time her hair will turn all silver and if that happens... there's no telling what could happen to her. She may even end up flying in the wind as ashes.

Winona's P.O.V.

"I don't need hugs, soup, water, or even cuddles! Ya dummy! I just want to run." 

Pietro sat there listening to my speeches and rants about his attempts to soothe me and make me happy and Lana and her "make the girl with powers go home and not run. "

When I stopped ranting I finally felt better and laid down on my bed as I said quietly "I'll take the water." 

Pietro chuckled and said "of course you will" I chugged down the water and the placed the bottle on the end table next to me. Pietro then said to me "ya know. I'm drawn to you. I don't know why, but I am" my eyes widened in confusion to why he was telling me this. Then he smiled at me and said "it's probably because we aren't too different. We're actually pretty similar" I smiled a small smile and listened as he said, "I guess that's why I took to you instantly". 

I shrugged under the covers and said "I honestly feel the same. It's weird to admit" Pietro smiled guiltily as he said "not really" we looked each other in the eyes and then someone knocked on the door. 

Pietro looked up at the door and shrugged as he stood up and opened the door. 

Lana and Peter were standing there. 

Lana walked over to me and assessed my situation. She sighed in relief and said "good, you haven't ran." 

My eyebrows creased together as I asked: "what are you guys doing here?".

Lana said simply as she walked out "checking on you. I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow Winona. Pietro watch her all night!".

 I rolled my eyes in amusement.

 That just meant she cared. 

Pietro looked at me after they left and smiled. He sat in the chair and simply leaned forward and kissed my lips lightly. It lasted a few seconds but not long. 

He gave me a toothy sparkling grin as he said: "I believe that was what I was going to do before they interrupted me."

 I chuckled lightly and said "well, I am heading off to sleep. Goodnight Pietro" I turned away from him and used my fingers on my right hand to touch my lips as my face was dusted pink by the thought.

 I left my lips and hugged myself as I smiled and fell asleep as I heard him whisper she's perfect. 

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