Silver Iron Special-Interview

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 Interviewer: "Hello and welcome to the Silver Iron interview! I am standing right outside of the room with all of our favorite actors and superheroes!".

Technical Assistant: "They're ready for you to interview them now, you can head in".

Interviewer: "Thank you".

Interviewer begins to enter the room full of the actors and actresses of Silver Iron. As soon as the Interviewer enters the room they begin to greet him.


Cast; "Hello!"

Lana:"Hi, how are you today?"

Interviewer: "Ecstatic! I can't believe I'm interviewing you all! I'm sorry, I'm just a big fan."

Sydney: "Well, that just makes you even better!"

Benedict: "I agree with Sydney"

Interviewer: "Thank you guys so much"

Sydney: "No problem, just know we're people just like you or your sibling".

Interviewer: "Okay, well shall we get this interview started?".

Robert: "Yes, let's begin"

Rest Of Cast: Laughs and agrees

Interviewer:"Okay, well first off, how are you all doing today?"

Chris H: "I'm fine"

Chris E: "I'm fine too"

Mark: "I am terrified"

Scarlett: "Well, you shouldn't be, isn't this like your thousandth interview?"

Mark: "I know but, I'm afraid of spoiling something".

Lana: "Yes, and that is why you are wearing a shock bracelet as well as Tom". Points to Tom Holland.

Tom Holland: Waves "yeah, hi they gave me one too"

Cast: Laughs

Interviewer: "To stop them from giving out spoilers?".

Robert: "That is exactly the reason".

Interviewer: "I feel so bad for you two"

Tom Holland: "Don't, trust me, our brains will be so worried that if we slip up we'll get shocked, that we won't be able to think of a spoiler".

Mark: Laughs "is that so?"

Tom Holland: "I hope so, or else we'll have become electricity rods by the end of this".

Sydney: "Honestly, that is so true, that it's almost not funny" chuckles.

Interviewer: Well, that's great. So how about answering some fan questions?"

Lana: "Sure, what could go wrong?"

Tom Hiddleston: "A lot"

Chris E: "Let's be honest, with Robert not a lot could go wrong".

Jeremy: "Have you met the man? He's like a walking god"

Cast: Laughing at Chris and Jeremy's comments.

Interviewer: "Well, the first question shall we?"

Robert: "We shall"

Interviewer: "Who is the most likely to get into an argument of the cast?".

Chris H: "Oh, that's easy. Chadwick and Robert!"

Chadwick: "That's fair".

Lana: "True! They had this argument about who was supposed to stand where and Ben actually had to go between them and tell them where to stand. After that, they glared at him like children who were put in time out".

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