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We all sat on the couch for a few more minutes, maybe about five or six. 

Winona talked with Spiderman or Peter Parker. 

It wasn't very surprising that I wasn't talking to anyone. I never really was the most social or in other words, I was never a social butterfly. I guess you could say that I'm socially awkward, or I'm an introvert. 

Finally, dad and Dr. Banner had exited the lab and entered the lounge area, and stood in front of us. I looked at them and Dr. Banner began speaking "so, as many of you may know. We will be adding three new members to our team. Please stand as Tony calls you!" 

I uncrossed my arms and sat up straight with my hands gripping the edge of the couch seat. 

First, he called up "Spiderman". Spiderman stood up and walked to dad's side. 

Next, he called out "Silver Second" Winona stood up and did the same as Spiderman but stood next to him. 

Lastly, dad called "Iron Tiger" I stood and made my way to Winona's side. 

Everyone looked at each of us and whispered to each other before Cap asked, "what would their benefits be?"

Instantly I glared at Cap and said "basically, Spiderman has super strength, can shoot webs, and climb up buildings without a rope or net. Silver Second can stop, rewind, and slow down time, and lastly, she has super speed. I, however, have combat skills, actual weapons, and my suit does more than Iron Mans. Basically, I'm a better Iron Man but a girl." 

Cap looked kind of scared by the tone of voice I used to tell them our benefits. Then I said again "I don't really care if I join you guys or not, I was dragged along." Nat started laughing along with Pietro, Winona, and Peter.

Natasha looked at each of the Avengers and said "I say we let them join". 

Cap looked to her and asked "did you not just hear how she said all of that, and what she said lastly? She doesn't even care if she joins or not." 

Nat smiled at Cap and said "yes, and that was funny. Come on, we need them." 

Thor spoke up and said, "I believe we should allow the tiny human and metahumans to join as well!" 

I smirked as Wanda called out "who wants them to join?" every Avenger raised their hands and Cap raised his hand hesitantly. 

Nat smirked and said "welcome to the Avengers kids. Be warned we train you until you can barely move." 

I heard a loud gulp from my dad's side. It was Peter and he looked like he regretted joining already. 

 An amused smirk played on my lips at this and I faced forwards as I saluted the team. The other two followed my actions hesitantly as if they were confused on what to do. After they saluted everyone, dad called "okay, go explore!" I broke off from the other two and went to search the place on my own.

When I made it to a large open roof area I looked around as the cold air blew. I felt another presence behind me though and turned around to see more than one face. It was Winona and Peter. I rolled my eyes and asked the two social butterflies "what?" 

Winona shrugged and said, "we were just gonna say hi, we thought you looked a little lonely." 

I scoffed and said "I prefer it that way. The people who get to know me call me a freak and leave instantly okay? I don't need a repeat." 

Winona looked at me sort of shocked as she said, "I'm sorry, why would they call you a freak though?" 

I glanced down and said "they said I was a freak because of how intelligent I was. I always knew more, and they were scared that I was some sort of artificial intelligence. I'm a freak of nature, that's what they called me." 

Peter spoke up and asked "so what? We're not exactly normal either. That's what makes us who we are. So, how about we all become friends? We don't need to be exactly normal, we just need to be us." He paused, "So, how about it, friend?" 

I looked up at their smiling faces as they stuck their hands out for me to grab. I gave a small but sincere smile and muttered, "yeah, I'd like to have some friends". 

I grabbed onto their hands and they pulled me over to them. We spent half of the day exploring the tower.

Winona's P.O.V.

We were all getting along so well so far, here and there we would have small arguments about what team, food, or flavor is the best. We were all laughing at funny jokes we would make and it really helped that Lana brought sarcasm to our group. That made us laugh the most. 

She seemed to be happy. That was definitely a different look on her. I hadn't seen this look on her face since she got here, until now. I was happy to have found some great friends too. We aren't really fully friends since it's the first time we've hung out, but I can already tell that we'll all be great friends.

As we were walking to the kitchen to check it out we heard Lana's and Peter's name's called. 

They turned to look down the hallway and I looked too. Standing there was Iron Man or Tony. He walked towards us and smiled as he said "Lana, Peter, we'll be staying here late today. Unless you want to find your way home on your own Lana. Same with you Peter." 

Lana shrugged and said, "it's fine, I have people to keep me company anyway." 

I smiled goofily at her and she smiled back as Tony said "well, okay. I'll be in the meeting room with the rest. Have fun, you guys." 

He walked back down the hallway and we all laughed as Peter said, "Mr. Stark does realize you both have GPS's in your suits right?" I watched as Lana shrugged and we all said "totally". 

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