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We walked past street lights, their dark black poles holding them up high above the people walking. We must have looked like crazy people wearing such fancy and vile outfits. It disgusted me. I never was one for all of the fancy life-style's gifts. I didn't like being rich. Honestly, I hated when rich people went around flaunting how rich they are. I had even called out another rich person for doing it. They haven't spoken to the Starks since. Good times.

I watched the faces of people as they walked by. Studying them. Their faces each had different expressions as they saw us. Most looked like they admired us, some looked jealous, and a few looked disgusted just like me.

Don't get me wrong everyone looks great, but they all look like snobby rich people. Well, everyone but nervous Nancy over there. Peter looked so nervous you could basically see a sweat drop on his face.

I chuckled lightly as I elbowed Peter. He looked over and I mumbled loud enough and clear enough for him to hear me say "you don't have to be nervous. We all are dressed the same. Nobody's judging you trust me."

Peter lightly snickered at my words. He then rubbed the back of his neck as he said while looking forwards "I know. I'm just not used to wearing fancy clothes on the streets."

I chuckled and mused to myself "you are the exact opposite of Stark then".

Peter looked over at me and down as he inquired "what was that?".

I shrugged and stated smugly "I don't know. Maybe it was bug boy the dunderhead swinging past us".

Peter laughed sarcastically as he stated, "I am so telling Ned".

I punched his shoulder and said, "excuse me sir, but I believe I haven't told Ned who I am and that I know your secret!".

Peter laughed lightly and then said, "well, then I guess you're going to have to before me huh?".

I glared and asked Peter "you know who he ships on the Avengers team right?".

Peter laughed heartily and then stopped mid-laugh as the realization hit him "nevermind".

I smirked evilly and said "nope, too late. I'm doing it. Just because I want you to suffer". I started picking up my pace to catch up with the rest when Peter called "don't do it!".

I grabbed the bottom of my dress and lifted it up so that I could run. I've run in heels before, it's not too hard. I ran from the back of the party to the middle with Winona and Pietro. I stopped running beside them and walked.

They were still talking about the ball. So, I sped up again to Steve and Dr. Banner. They were talking about science.

Now that's my kind of topic! I thought to myself as they talked about quantum physics.

"Exactly! Einstein's theory is-"

"A complete and utter waste of time to try and comprehend if you already know the fundamentals of quantum physics Dr. Banner" I cut him off while joining the conversation.

He gave me a confused look as he asked: "how so?".

I smirked and began explaining deeper into quantum physics.

Steve kept asking questions about some of the facts and statements I made. It was very much appreciated.

As I was beginning to deepen my subject into a different focus of traveling into space by the speed of light I heard a familiar voice say "it's possible".

I turned to look at Peter who had started on his discussion of our possibility of traveling into space at the speed of light.

We had agreed on everything so far except for there being something even faster than the speed of light. I thought it was possible. Peter not so much. We began debating the topic until I heard Winona and Pietro yell at the same time "get a lab you two!" we turned and began dismissing her statement. Dr. Banner took my side in the argument as it began again with all four of us.

At the end of the argument, we had finally made it into the entrance of the hotel and told everyone goodbye. I got to mine and Winona's room and instantly video called Ned. When Ned answered we began talking and all of that. When things got dull I told Ned "uh, Ned there's something I need to-" I was cut off by Ned putting up a finger and saying "hold on let's add Peter in he called too" I nodded. When Peter's face popped up I waved and said hello before Peter asked: "what were you two talking about?".

I told him "I was just about to tell Ned, I have something we need to discuss with you when we get back." Ned nodded in understanding and then Peter brought up the previous debate. Ned chose his side. By the time I convinced Ned Winona entered laughing and I said my goodbyes while logging off.

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