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I got out of work a few hours later and got another call.

Everybody must just have me on speed dial or something today.

I answered the phone and said "yello'?".

Winona responded, "hey, I was just hoping to talk with you...".

I was really confused and I asked "is this going to be an "I'm dying" talk?".

Winona chuckled and said, "No, but it's still important."

I shrugged and said "k, and before I make this mistake again, where are you?".

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Peter. I sighed and gave him the one-minute finger as Winona told me. I thanked her and hung up. I then responded, "what is it?".

Peter said, "Winona told me to bring you with us so...".

I shrugged and said "k, how are we getting there oh wise one?".

Peter rubbed the back of his neck and said: "take my hand".

I rolled my eyes and put my hand in his.

He brought me around the corner and pointed to the fire escape on the building next to Stark Industries. Peter held my hand while we climbed the stairs and ladders in case I was going to fall.

When we were getting close to the top of the building my foot slipped and Peter tightened the grip on my hand, and helped me regain my footing as he said; "aren't we glad your hand fit in mine?".

He laughed and I chuckled as I called "shut it Spider-boy!".

We got to the top of the building and Peter let go of my hand leaving the heat of his hand only as he smiled and said "down in that floor is Winona. She sounded like she was really stressed."

I sighed and said "I could tell. Thanks for the help and stuff, I could have done it on my own though."

Peter smirked and laughed as he said: "I doubt it!".

I laughed at his defensive mode and I told him "let's go or she'll start getting mad".

He helped me climb down the wall to the fire escape across the window, and he opened the window before letting me jump into the apartment and following.

When we got in Winona hugged us and yelled: "I've missed you both too much!".

I laughed and said "same here. I know we haven't all hung out in forever, I've been trying to free my schedule on days you two seem to be off and see if we can make plans but, it's gotten harder. The paper works been growing an designing new tech has gotten harder."

Peter nodded and said, "with the expenses of college I've been working over in order to earn more".

Winona nodded and said "that's why today now, we are all hanging out! Cafe, shopping, dinner! We'll hang out all day!".

I chuckled and put my hands up in surrender as I said "fine!".

I looked over to Peter and asked: "you in?".

He looked between us and then asked, "why wouldn't I be?".

Winona laughed and said, "head over heels in love maybe...".

Peter called "hey!".

I giggled and said "nice one, come on! Take a joke!".

After we caught up we headed out.

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