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I looked at him as I asked, "aren't we going to go?"

His eyes widened just a bit and then he said, "oh right, yeah let's go".

He began walking away and I followed slowly, as I slowly began to feel like I was fading.

I followed him out into the courtyard and he stopped as he questioned me; "do you remember this place?" looking up I saw the garden and nodded.

He gave me an indecisive smile and told me, "we will not be going there tonight."

I shrugged and said quietly, "okay."

Still holding onto the rose I looked back at the garden as Finnor started walking away.

: Finnor lightly tapped Peter's shoulder with his knuckles and called after hopping the fence, "you're not the fun type are you? Come on, live a little!"

Smiling wide I yelled "yeah!"

Peter said back "I can be, I just don't like breaking rules to".

I walked to a bench near the middle of the garden and turned back around to look at Peter before plopping down and sighing with my forehand on my forehead. I laid back and mused "oh, I'm going to die from hopping a garden fence!". I smiled and sat up while removing my hand and saying "come on, Pete! Even Finnor hopped the fence, and he is, Thor's advisor!".

Peter rolled his eyes and said "I'll go through the gate. Thanks"

I joked "you're no fun, Parker! At least Finnor can be fun!"

The look Peter gave me before walking through the gate gave me chills. Not the good kind of chills. No. He gave me a cold look before a flash of concern flew by in his eyes. After the flash of concern, there was only a coldness I had never seen.

Once he had walked through the gate and I caught his eyes again I didn't see the cold emotionless eyes he had previously. He had content eyes and he walked up to me and pulled me to beside him.

I turned after being pulled to Peters side and saw that Finnor was standing right behind where I was standing.

Was he glaring at Finnor?

No, Peter isn't like that. Why would he glare?

Next thing I knew Peter had stated almost anxiously "we came here to see the garden. Let's make sure that's all that happens. We wouldn't want to get hurt."

My eyes wandered up to Peters' face, but there was only a blank canvas of emotion.

It was like looking at a painted wall and trying to see it's emotion.

Finnor gave off a small chuckle and said in his British medium voice "well, of course, we wouldn't want that to happen. So, Lana why don't you follow me?".

I let out a small hum and said: "I'll walk with Peter, thanks."

Finnor shrugged and said while giving me a cheeky side grin "fine, but if you want to have some fun... I'll be over there".

He pointed to his left and spun coolly towards his side and started walking. Almost, strutting his way over there.

I turned towards Peter and the way we were heading and heard Peter call "good for you, we'll see you next time we visit, we don't need to go your way".

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