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It's been a few weeks since I'd been back in the compound. Winona and Peter keep calling. Dad's been asking where I've been going. I don't want to tell him. I'd disgrace him. It'd hurt him too much. After everything, he's been through. He at the very least deserves to be happy and live without disappointment in me. I sat on my bed thinking about what I should tell them when I get there. I don't know. Should I be honest? Should I lie to spare their feelings? I stood and went to my suit. I got in and walked to the roof. I jumped off and flew around a bit to recollect on how to use it. It didn't take long. I flew to the compound and entered as soon as I got there. I took the roof entrance in. When I got inside things were quiet. Unusually quiet for this place. I heard a few laughs and giggles but not enough to be completely uplifting. I went straight to the lab to put my suit by my dad's. It felt weird to be back. I've missed this place though. I walked into the lab and saw Bruce, Steve, Vision, dad, Winona, and Peter. The very sight of my two best friends in the same room where I went so I could avoid them until I was ready to hurt. As I entered my heavy iron boots clanked on the ground and they looked up at me. Their spirits seemed to be lifted as they expressed their surprise. Winona's hair was back to normal. I'm glad. She ran up to me and hugged me instantly before she remembered my no touching rule. She let go quickly and apologized before asking "where have you been?" I looked up to see my dad's still shocked expression and looked back to the two in front of me. I told them quietly "I've been at work. They've been giving me a lot of hours lately" Winona nodded and questioned me sadly "does that mean you won't be coming around here often for a while?" I nodded and looked anywhere but in their eyes. Their eyes made me feel so guilty about not being here. I heard my dad say "well if this goes for every Avenger then it goes for you. If you can't be here when we need you to. You need to leave" I can't say I blame him for saying that. I nodded and said quietly "I know." I looked up and smiled as I said my voice still small as I felt tears coating my eyes "that's why I'm here. I will be leaving the Avengers." Winona asked, "is that a joke?" I shook my head. She asked angry or frustrated I couldn't tell since I was looking to the ground "you're leaving us for a new job?" I nodded and said, "I'm sorry". Winona laughed a fake laugh as she said: "no you're not". I didn't answer and I just stood there motionless as I stared at the floor. Peter mumbled something to Winona and grabbed her arm pulling her back softly. I stood up straight. I turned around and I left the room. I had to tell the others. I told the rest of the team who had been in a meeting. I told Thor who was in the kitchen eating pop tarts. He frowned. That was the first time I had ever seen him frown while he was eating his strawberry pop tarts. I left the building. I flew home and got into my work uniform and went to work.

Winona's P.O.V.

Did she leave? I was hoping that when she came back I could tell her. Tell her about my new relationship. I could tell her how much I'd missed her while she was gone. Instead, I judged her decision based on my own anger. Maybe the job didn't risk her life as much. I didn't know the reason she chose that job over this one. I only know that I was a bit shocked when she said she only came back to leave. As she left the room earlier I felt my eyes leak tears. I didn't mean one word. I let my tongue slip and now she thinks I hate her. Peter hasn't spoken since he mumbled "It's fine" to me. I wonder what that job of hers is. I'd follow her there but I don't know when she works. Peter stood beside Mr. Stark as we watched Bruce disheartenedly try to reroute the ventricular bloodstream in Vision to get rid of the glitch. I hate that everyone is so gloomy about her. Mr. Stark, however, seemed pretty happy about the turnout. How could he? That was his own daughter he kicked off the team from guilt.

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