Silver Iron Holiday Special

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"Lana!" Winona called as she ran at me.

I put my hands out and yelled "Woah Woah Woah! Slow down!".

She laughed as she came to a stop and said: "we need your help!"

I gave her a confused look as I tilted my head and asked "we?".

We were now at Stark Industries with the entire team except for Captain dinner plate, and Bucky.

Bucky was apparently keeping Cap out of the way today until a surprise.

I almost forgot it was the fourth. I would have gone home thinking it was an ordinary day.

The plan was, I would help set up and make sure things were all good, while the others cooked, and shopped for party things.

Stark was in charge of giving funds.

I waited for everyone to get back from their missions of shopping.

Peter, Winona, Clint, Thor, Vision, and I would all set up the compound. While Wanda, Natasha, Scott, Sam, and Pietro all cooked and decorated the food and cake.

Peter was helping Winona with the streamers and pretty much failing at paying attention to anything other than what I was writing down.

Winona looked frustrated but amused by Peter's worry.

Thor and Vision were on furniture arranging duty, and Clint was in charge of balloons and confetti and presents all being there.

Everyone besides clumsy Peter was doing great.

I was writing down how it was going and helping Clint.

When I was done helping Clint I told him to help Peter and Winona and I went to check up on the kitchen.

The food was done but the cake...

The cake was magnificent!

My mouth dropped open as I called happily "you guys did it! It looks amazing!".

Scott smiled and said, "I told you it was a good idea to let me help them!".

Sam whispered to me "he put the eggs in. That's it".

Scott called offended "there weren't any shells in the mix though were there?".

I laughed and Wanda said, "Sam helped with stirring, Natasha baked it, and I decorated it!".

I looked at the small mess they made compared to what I thought would be there and sighed.

After I sighed Natasha asked, "how's out there?".

I told her smiling "great! Clint is helping Winona and Peter finish up with the streamers!".

They all smiled and I clapped my hands together as I said excitedly "let's go put the food out!".

-The Confessions-

Natasha: We bought the food.

Wanda: Okay look, Scott burned the cake-

Sam: Then we forgot about the rest of the food because we were so worried about the cake-

Scott: So the rest got burned. Like, to a crisp pile of ashes!

Natasha: So while that was happening we hurriedly had Pietro go out with some of the funds and get a new cake while we ordered the chefs to make the burned foods. We even threw in some sugar cookies in case she found out after we lied.

Pietro: It was bad.

Scott: We didn't want her to completely murder us.

Sam: So don't you dare tell her!

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