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Song: Come Back Home By Calum Scott

I got to Peters house and saw who I believe is his Aunt May. I never actually met her because I've only ever been here like two times with Lana and Aunt May was gone both times.

I got out of my car and walked over to her as she gardened.

When I got up to her she looked up at me and I asked, "hi, is Peter here? We have something we need to work on for his Stark internship. I'm Winona, a friend of his from work."

She smiled and said, "of course, yeah he's been in his room all morning. I don't know how much help he's going to be. He's been sulking since yesterday in his room."

I nodded and thanked her after asking her, "can I go in?"

She nodded and I went into the house.

I walked up the staircase and to a room that had the door shut.

I knocked and I heard a call back from a weak male voice, "I'm fine Aunt May really, go ahead and eat without me. I'll get leftovers later."

I sighed and shook my head before calling back, "Peter it's Winona, not Aunt May."

I heard shuffling and stumbles as the door opened and I gave him a small glare. I made my way into his room and sat on his desk chair.

He closed the door and sat on his bed.

I asked him, "why'd you lie?"

He shrugged and said, "I guess it was too awkward after I knew you were at her place. So how much did she tell you? Did she tell you how happy I was to leave her? How betrayed she felt? Did she tell you how much she hates my guts now? Or how much pain I've inflicted on her heart, for ditching her as her best friend? Did she tell you how little I was hurt by leaving her side? Di-".

I cut him off, and asked angrily, "you what? What are you talking about?"

He lifted his eyes from the floor where they drifted to in order to look me in the eyes as he asked, "she didn't tell you?"

Scared for what he had to say I asked, "tell me what?"

He laughed dryly as I watched him look up.

Then he began, "Mr. Stark, he did this. He broke us apart. He told us not to hang out anymore because we were getting too close. They were fighting...arguing. I couldn't stand to watch their relationship be ripped apart because of me. So I told him, I'd stay away from her...-"

He once again laughed with a scratchy dry voice as tears formed on his bottom lid and he continued.

"-I made him promise me though that he would do everything in his power to make her happy. That she would be happy without me. I thought that if I just did what he wanted me to do, that she could be happy."

Peter's eyes closed as he squeezed his hands to give himself some comfort in his words. His lips pressed together tightly being pursed before his mouth reopened for a sob to be let out. Tears that had been collecting on his eyelid fell and traveled down his face. He once again laughed in his hoarse voice and continued.

"It's funny, I wanted her to be happy, even if I couldn't be. Even if I couldn't be the person or one of the people who could make her happy. I just wanted her to be happy! When I exited that stupid car she looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were so broken! So cold, she looked so betrayed. I felt so defeated, I smiled when I left that car to leave her life so that she didn't have to remember such a horrible face. So that when she remembers me in her future, she won't be too angry. I wanted to cry, I really did. But I wanted to be strong in front of her, for her."

His bottom lip quivered as he bit it to try and stop the tears that were freely falling down his face.

My eyes began to water as well, listening to the story and why he did what he did, I was about to cry.

I got up and hugged Peter as I told him what I saw.

I told him about how angry and frustrated she was. I told him about how I found her asleep on the floor by her door, after what looked like she had been crying.

His sad eyes returning as I told him everything. When I let go of him he got up and left the room.

He came back with a few tissues and handed me one.

I wiped my tears and blew my nose, as did he before I told him I would talk to Lana for him and try to get her to understand if possible.

He nodded and walked me out, but before I left he told me to get home and sleep.

Everyone must think that I'm just always tired which isn't the case at all. I've been up all night and day so of course I'm tired but they act like I'm like this every day. It's not true, that's Lana. She basically never sleeps.

When I got home I called Lana but she didn't pick up. So I texted her, but she again didn't pick up.

So I decided to go to her house tomorrow and talk to her.

She probably has her background on her phone still set as them. I wouldn't want to open my phone up if I was going to see that every time while I'm upset either. I just hope I can tell her before she makes up her mind, for the wrong reason.

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