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I looked around me at the empty room until I heard talking. I sat up on the bed as colors started to liven for a second and when they stopped and returned to their normal state I looked around me and saw... Winona? Didn’t she disappear with… I looked around her once more and saw everyone else who went missing. I smiled and got up fast. I ran to them and hugged her.

She tensed up and I thought to myself “if they’re… then that means…” my smile broke and I felt the tears build up in the pockets of my eyes.

Heart shattering as Winona turned to face me. She looked down at me and gasped. She grabbed me and hugged me tighter as she threw me around in joy like a ragdoll. That is until she started to yell “I found one! She’s here! She’s not gone!”.

Everyone turned towards me with looks of confusion written into their tear soaked faces making it evident they had been weeping. When they saw me though their faces lit up and they had bright smiles on their faces as Stark ran up to me with Peter and they had tears of joy in their eyes. They hugged me with Winona and Thor joined in as well. After a few seconds they began asking me things as they hugged me. Their hugs only lasted a few seconds because I slowly felt them stop hugging me even though they were still hugging me. I felt cold and a little weak and dizzy. They fell a step forward as this began. They stood up straight and Starks eyes widened. Stark went to hug me again but only went straight through me to the other side. I stood there shocked.

Stark tried again and again and again until Peter began trying and Winona. When they had figured that they wouldn’t be able to hug me anymore Winona yelled “don’t leave us again!”. Tears of fear were streaming down her face some collecting others along the way. I wanted to say something but my voice wasn’t working for a few seconds until Stark reached for my hand and I put it out for him to try and hold onto. When I lifted it to view I saw my hand disappearing. Currently, I could only see the faint pale color of it. I finally got words to come out of my mouth as I asked Stark “dad, what’s happening?”. After my faint sentence I faded.

I woke up again but I saw I was in the hotel room. Pietro was pacing around with Nat looking extra stressed and full of distress. Cap was sitting on one of the other two beds and had his hands in his hair. I was confused. Was that a dream? But, I feel like I still have some of their body heat. It felt so real. I got tired of the tense silence and said “let’s go to that wizard now.” Nat turned to me and smiled widely as she ran up to me. She jumped onto me and hugged me as she said “you’re back”.

I blinked confused by her statement as I asked “what are you talking about? Did you hit your head on a door frame?” she chuckled and that’s when I saw it, the tears of joy falling from the crease of her bottom lid. I felt my eyes widen as she said “you disappeared. We don’t know where, but you deterialized in front of us all after Pietro set you down to rest.”

My ears perked up and I asked “so it wasn’t a dream?” I smiled a bit. Nat sat down next to me and asked “what wasn’t a dream?” I told her the story almost excitedly. I couldn’t help smiling as I told her about waking up there. It was the scientist in me I guess.

Dr. Banner entered the room and said “so you traveled to their plain of existence that they were switched over to. You must have been-” I cut him off and finished his sentence in realization as I stated “half-way through the transition when he caught his mistake.”

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