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Winona’s P.O.V.

Wait, Lana isn’t back yet? I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. I called concerned “Lana, are you in there still?” she didn’t answer so I knocked again and asked “Lana are you okay?”. Still no answer. I twisted the door handle. It wasn’t locked? I pushed open the door and saw nothing to show that she had ever gone in. I stepped in and called “Lana?”. I looked around and chuckled lightly before calling out sarcastically “very funny, you got me!”. Usually she would laugh and enter the room after a prank, but she didn’t. I exited the bathroom and shut the door. I went to my phone and went to call her. I checked for her contact but it was gone? So, I went to call Pietro and his contact was gone as well. I was so confused until I heard a knock on my door. I turned and went to the door.

I looked out of the peephole and saw Mr. Stark.

I opened the door and he came rushing in. Stark was running around determined to find something. After a few seconds I said “Mr. Stark please stop running”. Mr. Stark slowed down and continued though.

A few seconds passed and he was now frantically looking so I asked “Mr. Stark what are you looking for?” he turned around and it seemed he had a lightbulb.

Mr. Stark ran over to me and put his hands on my shoulders as he looked me in the eyes and asked “where is she?”.

I smirked and said “nice prank” when I took in the emotion in his eyes I stopped smirking and asked “she’s not pranking me?”.

He began mumbling to himself and let go of me. He walked over to her bed and sat on it. He put his hands in his hair and scratched at his head to think.

While I watched Mr. Stark think I heard a knock on the door.

I turned around and headed to the door. I opened the door to see Wanda, Bucky, Thor, Loki, Clint, Vision, and Peter.

Peter’s initial reaction to seeing Mr. Stark was to try and comfort him. Wanda ran over to me and hugged me. She started shaking and was sniffling. I pulled away from her hug and looked at her face. She had tears running down her face and snot dripping slowly out of her nose. She looked like she was weeping. Wanda, weeping? He… he can’t be. I felt the fear cloud my eyes and I looked up to Wanda. As she caught my gaze she nodded. I covered my face with my hands as I  began crying. Wanda hugged me as we cried. Pietro’s gone, my best friend is gone, I can’t think of anything worse.

Thor came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder as he stated “don’t worry. We’ll get them back. But you’ll need to calm down to help us.” I nodded and tried to muffle my crying as much as I could. Eventually helping Wanda as well.

When I looked at Vision he began explaining things to us as we sat on my bed and he on hers.

Vision began explaining that he believes something may have happened where one of the guardians of the different elements that make up life may have messed up and eradicated our friends.

I felt the word eradicate stick a pin through my heart. I wanted to deny it. I wanted to so bad. But I couldn’t. As soon as that word was said I heard sniffles begin to form from Mr. Stark and Peter. Our friends. Eradicated?

Lana’s P.O.V.

We made it back to America after a few hours. I ignored my jet lag and carried on. Nat was trying really hard to get me to just give in and sleep. I wouldn't though. I want my friends back. I want everyone back. Even that idiot father of mine.

I took cabs, buses, and even my suit in order to get there. Everyone following behind like I was the leader.

At one point Steve asked “Lana please, go to sleep?” I turned on him and stated “no, if you want to give up you can! I want my friends back as fast as I can” I began my march to them as well. I began getting very tired about a block away though. I went to take another step when my legs gave out and someone caught me.

I looked up and saw Pietro. He grabbed me and held me up like I was wounded and he stated “you shouldn’t push yourself. You’re only human”.

I scoffed and then remembered what he said earlier and asked “when did you two happen?”.

Pietro smirked and stated “the week you left for your fake job as Hydra scum” I rolled my eyes and asked “how did you ask her?”.

Pietro stated softly “I asked her after we went on a date at the beach. It was our third date. She looked perfect and her being there made it the perfect moment.” I closed my eyes tiredly as I stated “you’re a good guy. I trust you”. I then fell asleep. I was too tired to hear my own thoughts.

After what felt like a second of sleep, I heard a scream.

A familiar scream, “Lana watch out!”. My eyes popped open and I sat up heart beating heavily as I felt tears slip down my cheek. That day changed everything.

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