Silver Iron Page 33

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We rode there in Winona's car. I got shotgun! Peter suggested me to sit in the back in case of an accident but I argued until he allowed me to sit up front.

When we got to the mall Winona pulled into an empty parking spot and parked.

I got out first and then Peter and Winona.

Winona was smiling like a mad woman.

Peter looked slightly interested.

I looked pretty bored even though I was happy.

We walked into the building like that popular clique from every high school. As soon as we entered the building I saw a smoothie place and got excited.

I jumped and exclaimed "smoothies!". I turned to look at Peter and Win and asked: "can we get some, please?". I did a little dance to indicate how much I wanted a smoothie.

Winona laughed as Peter chuckled and said "I guess. You're such a child when it comes to smoothies!".

I smiled and ran up to the counter. Thankfully there was no line so I ordered three strawberry and banana smoothies.

They took a minute or so to make all three but they looked great!

The lady at the counter was platinum blonde with her hair in a braid and she had pretty green eyes. With a beauty mark on her right side of her face right above her lip. Her face was round but it made her face pop. She was really... really... pretty.

She was kind too. Why does it matter? Of course, it doesn't. Why am I even thinking about it? She's pretty yeah, but so is Winona, and Pepper, and Wanda, and Natasha..., Jane... Okay well, I guess a lot of the girls in this city are. I just never really noticed until now I guess, but why now?

I snapped back into reality as Peter snapped his fingers in front of my face.

The girl was handing us our drinks.

I handed her the money and took my drink.

We walked away from the smoothie place and Winona asked: "what was that about?".

I shrugged and told her "I don't know. I was just thinking and got lost I guess".

Winona nodded and said, "makes sense".

Peter pointed to a store. The name of the store was 'Sole'. It was a shoe store. The name was punny. I liked that.

He asked "can we go in there? I need a new pair of shoes anyways".

I asked "why? I thought your shoes look good on you...".

It took a minute to figure out why the two of them were looking at me like I just won a million dollars. Then I said my question in my head and choked on the smoothie that was in my throat.

I stuttered out "not-not like that! I'm just saying, it looks really, really good with your outfits! Gosh, you two need to chill!".

My cheeks were a tulip pink color as I continued to ignore their questions by drinking my smoothie.

I began walking into the store as I calmed down. What has gotten into me? You'd think my mind wouldn't act this way around my friends.

I made it to the girl's section for shoes and Winona was right next to me. I was looking at a pair of shoes when she walked over to me so I hadn't noticed her until she said something.

Winona asked suddenly "what was all of that about?".

I jumped startled by her and her question.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I said: "I have no idea what you're talking about".

Winona chuckled and said, "well you obviously have an idea of what's happening, genius, rich girl, model, comedian, and actress".

I chuckled before letting out a long frustrated sigh. I told her "I honestly have no idea what's happening. I don't even think anything is happening."

Winona tilted her head and said "I think something is happening. That something, I think is the blossoming of a new relationship in the compound!".

I shook my head and said "no. I was told strictly no relationships with other heroes. From my father. I agree. It's too dangerous. Oh and, Win, I don't like him like that, let alone vice versa".

Winona rolled her eyes and said, "that is such bull!".

I lightly pushed her in a playful way.

When I heard a voice inquire "what's such bull?".

I jumped again and heard Peter laugh.

I looked over at Winona and saw she was smiling at me like she knew something I didn't.

I turned back to look at Peter as I said "nothing. Just the price of those ugly shoes over there". I pointed towards a pair of shoes I thought were really ugly and Peter nodded in understanding.

I turned back around and grabbed the pair I was looking at and then showed them to the two as I asked: "what do you guys think?".

The shoes were black, grey, and red high tops.

Peter smiled and gave me two thumbs up and Winona clapped as she whistled.

I bowed while laughing and she grabbed her pair of shoes and we checked out.

We headed to a clothing store when I saw a certain platinum blond.

I watched as Winona ran over to him in her high heels and white and red polka-dotted blouse and red skirt with a black belt.

She jumped on his back and hugged around his neck.

I chuckled as I motioned for Peter to follow me around the store until I found something.

Winona's P.O.V.

I hugged him tight and he turned around to look at me.

Pietro smirked and asked, "you have a tracking device on me don't you?".

I fake laughed sarcastically and said, "no, I guess fate just couldn't keep us apart for too long!".

I then recalled, "I thought you said you and Bruce would be on a mission for a bit".

He smiled and said "well, turns out it was super easy so I came here to get something... Looks like you three are having fun. What are you guys doing here?".

I shrugged and stated "we came here to hang out and shop. We were actually heading to dinner after this if... You want to come with...".

Pietro thought for a moment and said "no can do, I have to head somewhere in an hour. I'll see you later though".

He hugged me again and then pecked me on the lips before going to the cash register and checking out.

I then went to find the other two.

When I found them they were looking at women's clothes and Lana was showing him an outfit. After she showed him the outfit she put it in the basket and put a coat on as she danced around. 

They were laughing when I got to them. 

She put the jacket in the basket and started to head to the men's section.

 I waved and they smiled and greeted me.

Lana asked, "what's going on with Goldie locks?".

I told her "he has plans in an hour".

I chuckled as she said, "yeah, maybe to eat some girl scout cookies when he gets back to his place".

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