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"Shorty" "Pencil!" "Small stack" "Giant!" Peter had called me short earlier today. We're still fighting. It's been two hours actually. He laughed at my angry attitude as he sat on the spinny chair that was by my wooden desk. I glared and said "I'll have Thorgi sick you!" he chuckled and said "do it" I called "Thorgi!". Thorgi came bounding over from his bed to me and I called "sick the Spider!" he ran to Peter and cuddled his feet. I growled angrily as I yelled, "that's not what I meant!". I sat back in my hammock and laughed. I told Peter "congrats, Peter, he likes you". Peter shrugged and said "I don't really need the dog to like me, but thanks. He is adorable" I nodded and said "that's why I picked him. That and he'd had a terrible home before this." I looked down reminiscing about what the lady at the counter had told me about his past family. They were heartless.

Winona's P.O.V.

"I am going to dye my hair back to its original color so that I can run again!" I raised a box of hair dye above my head and waved it at Pietro as he said: "not happening, nobody knows what will happen if your hair turns all silver". I rolled my eyes and said "it will turn all silver" Pietro shook his head and said, "no way, it's still not happening Winona what if you become ashes while you run the next time because you ran without our permission!" I looked down and said "I guess I never thought of it like that" Pietro nodded and said "exactly." He grabbed a water bottle and handed it to me as he too the dye and tossed it into a far corner for the moment. When I took the water he walked to the dye and threw it out the window. I really didn't think of the effects of the Silver hair. I got up to walk to the bathroom and when I tried running I ran at a normal human speed and my skull hurt. Pietro ran over and grabbed me as he asked "why would you do that? After what I just said" I looked him in the eyes with tears welling up and said, "I just want to run again". Pietro sighed and picked me up. He brought me to the bathroom and put me down. He left and shut the door. I feel bad for causing him so much trouble. He probably wants to run just as bad as I do but he can't all because I can't be trusted not to run. I used the bathroom and washed my hands before exiting the bathroom and seeing a Pietro asleep on the couch. I curled up into my little ball by the arm of the couch and fell asleep too.

Lana's P.O.V.

"It's getting dark out Spider dork" Peter looked at me with a disappointed look as he asked "really? Spider dork?" I nodded and he said "yeah, I better head back. Aunt May probably will have a heart attack if I come back home too late. Heh. See ya later short stuff" he walked onto the balcony and I walked onto it with him. He stood on the railing and jumped down as I registered what he called me. He began to swing away and I yelled "hey! You dang giant!". 

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