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Song:  Love Someone By Lukas Graham

Lana's P.O.V.

After Winona left, I broke down again. I sat on my couch and hugged my knees tightly to my chest. It was early afternoon and I had work today and early morning tomorrow.

I looked at the time once more and got up and went to my bedroom. I noticed the door was fully closed now. Must have been Winona, she's done too much for me in such little time without me knowing. I opened the door and went to my wardrobe. I grabbed a black skirt with white plaid lines and a black silk spaghetti strap tank top with the very bottom tucked underneath. I then put on a pair of black flats and grabbed my white blazer and put that on top, with my purse around my neck.

I did my hair into an updo and put my white pearl studs into my ears. Then I left without my phone.

I called a cab and got in.

When I got to work I handed the man my owed amount with extra as a tip and got out. I headed into the building and went up to the second floor. I entered my cubicle and started work right away. Quietly working as I watched the clock skip time every now and then.

Eventually, when workers came into work I heard whispers and when it finally got onto my nerves I turned and hissed out, "what?"

The girl and guy jumped and they hid. That's when another girl came out and asked, "is it true?"

I glared and asked, "what?"

She got a little meak before asking, "you were dating a science geek who interns here sometimes?"

I glared and called, "of course not, and whoever said that is an absolute idiot because who would date such a disloyal person who betrays you at any chance he can get?!"

As my breathing started to slow down I realized I was yelling and that my heart rate was faster than usual.

I cleared my throat and called, "back to work!"

They hurried to their stations and I went back to my cubical.

As I worked on the stacks of paperwork I felt a tear slip down my cheek before I wiped it away.

When work ended I stayed past so that I could finish all of my work truthfully only so that I didn't have to go home and be alone again. Thorgi was at home still though, so I hurried my work and went home.

After getting home Thorgi came to get me before running back to my room.

I laughed and took my shoes off. I carried them with me back to my bedroom so that I could put them away but when I got back to my room I had a surprise waiting for me. It was Finnor, he was looking around but when he saw me he bowed and said, "hello, m'lady".

I began blinking fast and then waved silently.

He smiled and said, "my Lord wanted to know if you would like to come with him to Asgard once again."

I shook my head and he said, "please, he'll tell me every joke he knows if you don't."

I let out a small breathy laugh and told him, "I know, I'm sorry but I just don't feel like it."

He walked up to me and pleaded, "please! You look like you could use the fresh air."

I tossed my head about and told him, "I'm serious."

Finnor grabbed my hand and said, "I am too."

I pulled my hand out of his grip quickly and asked, "are you sure Thor wants me to go?"

Finnor nodded and I told him, "fine, but only because I want to see Thor."

He shrugged and said, "okay, let's head out."

We made our way to where Thor was waiting which was a bakery where he stopped to get a cupcake. I walked up to him and he smiled as he hugged me.

I slightly pushed him off of me because I just couldn't stand letting anybody too close to me again so soon.

Thor had Finnor and I stand on opposite sides of him, Finnor behind him and me in front.

When we got to Asgard Thor smiled and helped me onto one of his shoulders as he carried me to the palace.

When we got into the palace he let me off of his shoulder gently and brought me to the dining hall as he ordered Finnor to tell the maids to make up my guest room in case I stay overnight. We got to the dining hall and we sat down.

I didn't eat, I refused to eat. I couldn't eat even if I really wanted to. My body just wouldn't except food in my mental state.

Thor ate as much as he needed and looked at my empty plate as he stared at me confused.

I grimaced as I told Thor that I was sorry but I couldn't eat. I just told him I wasn't hungry then. I didn't lie, nor was I telling the truth for my body.

My heart was so unhealthy right now but Thor could see through me. He gave me a soft smile and told me, "eat when you want, go home whenever you'd like, you don't have to act happy when you aren't it's not healthy Lana. However, I would like to know that you will be okay."

I nodded and told him, "I'll tell you when that's the case. I won't leave without telling you either Thor."

He again gave me a small smile and then brought me to his game room. We played a few games from their customs and I beat him at one.

However, I got really tired very quickly and passed out while watching a play with Thor.

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