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Everyone but... "Lana?". She wasn't with them? I looked at everybody's face as I searched for any sign of them knowing where she was.

When my eyes skimmed to Cap his grimace was placed firmly as he looked at the ground.

I asked "Cap?".

Cap wouldn't look me in the eyes as Stark walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Pietro was right beside Wanda, the smile from seeing her faded from his face as he caught his gaze with mine. He looked away from my gaze like he couldn't face me.

As I stood in my spot thinking about Lana and her not being with them I heard Stark ask Cap.

"Where is my daughter Steve?".

Cap wouldn't look at him and looked pale as he swallowed his saliva.

When Cap didn't answer Stark yelled frustrated "where is my daughter Steve!".

Cap just stood there and spoke not a word.

Stark got angry and growled at Cap "Where is my daughter Steve?". A few seconds later I watched Cap go down an inch suggesting Tony let go of his collar as I heard Starks faint whisper say "please tell me where my daughter is".

I swallowed a lump in my throat. I hadn't ever seen Tony say something that softly in the entire month I've been on the team.

Steve opened his mouth to speak and I could see his tongue was dry. Meaning, he was about to say something he was going to regret.

I heard a small voice from Wanda ask Pietro "Pietro? Are you okay?".

I looked over at Pietro and saw he had his head down and I saw a tear fall down his cheek. My eyes widened at the tear.

At that moment I heard Steve say "I'm sorry Tony".

Pietro yelled out while looking at Cap "she trusted me!".

Tears slipped from the pockets of my eyes as I registered his words.

I looked down at my feet as Tony asked: "what did you do?".

Nobody answered him as the room fell completely silent.

I grit my teeth and barked out at Steve inquiring "what did you do to her Steve?". My demanding tone startled him as I looked him in the eye. My hands were unusually shaky as I pleaded for him to tell us.

Steve looked down and said "Strange had a library in his home. She- Lana was wandering around the house because she was bored. We messed up. We weren't paying attention to her and before we knew it she was in the library trapped and..." he looked and sounded like he couldn't say something. Like it hurt him too much to formulate it into words and tell us. Then he closed his eyes tight and by using force he said "the library was draining her life force the longer she stayed in their since she wasn't permitted in. Strange is trying to fix her still. He sent us back to get Tony and Wanda to help him and we left Bruce to help."

Tony looked about ready to choke Steve after what he heard but Nat kept him at bay until Tony quietly asked: "so you're saying she's dying because I wasn't there?".

Steve shook his head and said, "no, she's dying because none of us were paying attention."

Tony looked up at the ceiling as he asked: "did she say anything before you guys left?".

Nat looked down and said, "she said to "tell my dad he better build me that BayMax".

Tony's cheeks were flushed pink from crying so much that his eyes were puffing. That didn't stop him from crying a bit again as he said "let's go. We need to hurry".

On the way to America Tony removed all evidence that he ever cried and all evidence that he actually cared. What kind of father would show his face like this when their daughter's vision would only last not too much longer and let that face be the last thing she sees of her father. No worry, no remorse, just plain bored. Was it all an act to make Steve feel bad or all of us? But, it looked so real.


We got to the place and entered fast. We rushed in with Tony walking behind us. So maybe he was acting. That heartless piece of dirt! When we got there and showed Strange Tony and Wanda he told the rest of us to leave as Tony, Wanda, Bruce, and he all worked on getting her out alive. 

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