Part 60

15 1 9

Lana's P.O.V

After initiating JAMIE and informing her on the protocols, and listing off the many jobs I would at times need her to perform, I seemed to have touched on mostly everything.

"I've informed you on the special events coming up and passed?"

"Yes Ms Stark!"

"What about the information for protocol K?"

"You've informed me on that as well Ms Stark!"

I paused and grabbed a piece of my bottom lip with my teeth, then I released my lip, "I've also informed you on the protocol for I?"

The robotic but natural voice gave out a hollow and clearly fake but appreciated laugh, "you've informed me on all protocols and information necessary at the moment Ms Stark. If there are other protocols that you have skipped today, I will take the liberty of paying close attention and retaining the information I can collect!"

Letting out a small sigh of relief I nodded, "alright, JAMIE please do some research on my father. Find out what Friday is doing for him at the moment."

"Isn't that like spying Ms Stark?"

"Isn't that like spying- no, just checking in. For information... just do it JAMIE."

"Yes Ms Stark."

Letting out a small sigh I chuckled to myself, "like spying..."



I lifted my head as I heard my doorbell ring.

That's new?

"JAMIE please transfer the door video footage to my television!"

The television in the living room across from me turned on and I watched the video transfer quickly.


I thanked JAMIE and asked her to turn the television off before walking to the front door.


I took in a deep breath as I unlocked and opened the front door.

Once the door was removed from my vision I stared back at Peter, his forehead was creased. His index finger was still pressing the doorbell as a dull ring surrounded the house.

After he had come to the realization that the door was open and I was standing in front of him he opened his mouth to speak and I threw my arms around him. Pulling him into a tight hug quickly and effectively.

Peter's arms wrapped around me instinctively.

I'd be lying if I said something took over me and I hugged him against my will. I knew fully well what I was pushing myself to do.

As my eyes reopened, I hadn't even realized they'd closed until they opened, I noticed Winona and Pietro standing behind him.

She was giving me a small smile and her eyes didn't exactly match.

Pietro also gave me a weak smile.

As Winona waved slightly at me, Peter's hand grabbed the back of my head and stroked my hair softly. His heart was pounding against my collarbones.

I loosened my grip around Peter and eventually he did too.

"Hey..." Winona spoke softly.

I smiled at her, "hey guy's."

Pietro looked around at his surroundings and the inside of my house before asking, "you own this?"

Blinking, I tried to register what he said, "...uh yes?" I slid the awkward statement out of my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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