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Song: Happier by; Ed Sheeran

Lana's P.O.V.

I woke up back in my bed with a pounding headache. I sat up slowly hearing the creaking of the old bed underneath me as I put a hand to my forehead. I tried to rub the pounding of my headache away quickly but to no avail.

Swinging my legs to the side of the bed and hoping off I slid my feet across the ground and out of the room.

It felt eerily similar to my High school days when I would be on my way to school. It was quiet, dark, and all around creepy with no sounds other than my feet gently padding the floor.

I quietly made my way to the front door, but before I could open the door I heard Stark's voice call out, "wait."

Slowly I turned to face him and asked with a sore throat, "what?"

His head lowered and he spoke in a low tone, "tell Parker, I said you can talk again."

Rolling my eyes I said, "yeah, like that will help."

I walked out of the front door quickly after that and called my suit.

When my suit finally arrived I got in. Hearing FRIDAY’s voice through the virtual screen of my helmet made me smile. I hadn’t heard her voice since the last time we were under attack which was when I went out with the female avengers for a girl’s night.

My smile didn’t last long as FRIDAY spoke, “Ms. Stark, Peter Parker would like to talk with you. He is on the phone right now, do you want to answer the call?”

Looking at the contact picture of his number and his nickname appearing on the virtual screen I really wanted to say yes; but as I remembered how he looked when he left my life a rage bubbled up inside of me and I hissed out, “send it to voicemail.”

FRIDAY queried, “are you sure Ms.Stark, you’ve always answered his calls before?”

Looking at the contact calling one more time I hesitated before sighing; “I’m sure. He can come to talk to me in person if he really needs to.”

FRIDAY did as told and declined the call. I had FRIDAY activate the thrusters and flew home.

I got home and as soon as I did I got out of my suit and had it fly back into its storage containment unit in the Avengers Tower.

I pulled my keys out of the pocket of my blazer and put them into the door. Upon hearing the click I tried to open my door but it was locked. That meant somebody unlocked it before I got here. It was probably still unlocked from when Winona and Peter left.

I opened my door and walked inside ready to see Thorgi eagerly awaiting my appearance, but who I saw instead shocked me.

There standing in my kitchen staring at me with his arms crossed and his back against my fridge was Peter Parker. He looked upset and irritated as he looked me in the face.

I shut my front door as Peter demanded, "let's talk."

Laughing I nodded and said with a smile imprinted on my face, "get out." I pointed to the door and walked towards my coat rack. I took off my blazer and then my shoes. When I stood back up I grabbed my blazer and headed to my room.

Footsteps trailed quickly behind me as I got to my room. I walked into my room and put my blazer into my clothes hamper. When I turned to look at the door I told Peter, "I said get out."

Peter closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead; "come on, you said if I really wanted to talk to you I'd have to go to you. So, here I am." His voice faded as he finished talking.

Crossing my arms as my eyebrow arched and my right foot tapped the ground quickly. I mimicked his previous statement, "let's talk."

A huge smile plastered itself on his face as he hopped up and grabbed my arm, he dragged me out to my living room. Then he sat on my recliner and I sat on my couch with my legs crossed.

Peter looked nervous like he didn't expect to have gotten this far with me. I looked at him with an intense irritated gaze before he spoke, "you don't look happy."

Nodding I echoed his observation, "I'm not happy."

He nodded and pleaded, "if we're gonna talk about this, you have to be willing to let down that glare."

Sighing I rolled my eyes and did my best to stop glaring at him.

Peter let out a breathy chuckle and said, "I haven't been able to sleep since I left that limo. At least, not well."

I didn't respond to him, how could I? I was the same way, but I don't want to let him know that yet.

He pressed his lips together into a small thin line before calling, "I've missed us, our hanging out, our fun, and our communication."

A pang of pain hit my heart as he said that. I felt the same, I knew it deep down, but I felt betrayed I wasn't letting him know right away everything in my head so easily again.

Laughing he pleaded with me, staring me in the eyes, "please speak to me. Lana, I haven't heard anything but anger come out of your throat since that day."

I muttered out a small, "I don't have anything to say to you."

Peter's eyebrows furrowed and he stuttered; "I know you won't believe me. You won't because it's so dumb. The reason I smiled when I left that limo wasn't that I was happy, I smiled so you wouldn't have to remember me being totally and utterly defeated. I made that deal with your dad because I wanted you to be happy. I made it not even halfway to Aunt May's before I stopped smiling and the tears started falling. I already missed your smile by the time I was leaving the limo." He smiled bitterly as he recalled the memory.

I looked at Peter's sad gaze as he stared at the floor in front of his feet.

I swallowed a small gathering of saliva and then snapped, "we were supposed to be friends. You said you'd stay by my side forever!"

I felt the tears rush to the bottom lid of my eyes. I struggled to hold them in place as I let out a shaky breath. Then I whispered, "you lied to my face."

"I watched over you still, even when you clearly didn't want me to. I never left your side after Winona told me what state your mind was in. I would have done it even if she hadn't. I didn't lie to you."

I felt a tear slip down my right cheek granting permission to the other side as well. I sobbed, "you left me just like the others the moment my dad threatened you. Tell me one reason why you aren't like the others and I should trust you again Peter."

He took in a deep breath and spoke softly, "because, I lo-"

He was cut off with a loud bang from the front door.

I stood up and walked to the front door quickly to get away from the situation for a minute and clear my head. When I opened the front door I saw Winona standing there smiling as she said, "hey…"

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