Silver Iron Special

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"Please...please...please...please!" I rasped out as I stared at the ground below me. My knees buckled as I collapsed to the concrete like ground of the world. "Bring them back, you have to bring them back!" I cried out to nobody and everybody.

My hands grasped my face as tears pricked my eyes, "you have to bring them back!" I stood up, pain aching my heart, tears rolling down my cheeks, and my ice cold eyes staring down the alien in front of me. 

My suit rebuilding itself around me as I limped closer to the purple prune in front of me, "give me back my family you squashed grape! Or I'll make my next wine out of your blood!" I rushed forward as I saw my suit glow indicating that it was fully rebuilt.

As I ran at him my leg gave out and my thrusters activated catching me. I pushed the suit to get me to him. While doing so FRIDAY spoke into my helmet, "Miss Stark, I advise against doing this with your current injuries they may-", I turned the comm off and kept going.

Advisable or not in my current condition, I was getting my family back. My Peter. My Winona. They were all I had, and still are all I have. I raised my fist as I reached Thanos.


A bright smile flashed on Peter's face.

My eyes widened as I was hurdling toward him, my fist held up ready to make contact. Closing my eyes quickly I looked away as my fist made contact with something solid. Opening my eyes I saw Thanos knocked back onto his butt. I clenched and unclenched my fist in my right hand.

"That was low even for scum like you!" I glared as I pointed at Thanos. I watched as he tried to stand up and I sent my suits missiles at him. I wasn't dumb, I knew that I couldn't defeat him on my own, but I just wanted to show him. He wasn't taking away the last of my family without me taking a chunk of him for myself.

As the missiles hit I lunged forward and slammed my fist into his face. I struggled as the smoke lifted and my fist was thrown back. Chucking me across the ground too.

I watched with pain sketched in my eyes as he stood, "relax child, it is now balanced. It is done."

"No…" I gritted my teeth, "Dad...Peter...Winona. It's not done, we've done the impossible before! We'll just have to do it again. How many times do we have to kick your ugly alien ass for you to understand that we will never lose?"

I laughed as I began to stand, holding my ribcage on the left of which I could feel a small break in a rib or two. I wiped at the drying blood on my forehead and my mouth. "If I gave up on them now, would I really be considered family?"

I smiled as I called, "let's tango grape rango!"

He looked down and I leaped forward kicking him on the side of the head. I then aimed for the stomache to push him back with force. However he caught my foot in his hand.

I let out a blood curdling scream as he crushed my suit around my foot and threw me into a nearby tree. My system began to fail as he walked toward me, "I'm sorry my child, but this is your endgame. This is your reckoning."

As he raised his hand to lash toward my head a hammer flew into the other side of his head. I watched helplessly as he was thrown into a tree to my right. Electricity sparking toward us as a shadow gradually rushed forward.

"Thanos!" A rough and angry voice yelled.

A voice I knew well, and even more once seeing the man I once associated with a strawberry poptart eating teddy bear. As I now saw him as an enraged emotionally charged mad man. I watched as he rammed his hammer down at Thanos once again.

Only for Thanos to overpower him and throw him and Mjlnor back. As Thor skidded back he looked toward me. I watched as his pupils dilated and his eyebrows grew angrier. 

As his gaze was focused on me I watched Thanos run toward him, "Thor, watch out!"

He turned and caught Thanos's fist with the handle of Mjlnor. I watched as he struggled and I felt hands pick me up. I opened the mask and I turned to look at the person carrying me away from Thor. 

Pietro, tear stained cheeks and red eyes stared ahead running at his top speeds. I turned back to stare as I watched Cap run at Thanos. Not Cap! I began yelling, "stop, bring me back! We can't leave them to fight alone! Pietro-!"

As I was yelling he tripped and let me go. We went tumbling into a nearby dip in the ground. Pietro rolled down quickly like a tumble weed and I hit the ground and crashed into the inner workings of my suit.

"Ah!" I hissed as my eyes instinctively closed from pain.

I heard gasping coming from Pietro as he yelled, "I'm saving you, I couldn't save Winona. I couldn't save the love of my life. So, the least I can do for her, is save you! You don't have to remind me that it's a cowardly move to run from the fight! I know it is, but I needed you safe so that we can get them back."

I opened my eyes as I stared at the tears dripping from his cheeks rapidly. He was now sobbing as he covered his face and wiped at it. I felt horrible watching his reaction.

Standing up slowly with the help of a nearby tree I reached out a hand and offered to help him up, "well then, let's fight. We can't let the genocidal maniac win and get away, can we?"

Pietro looked up and caught my eyes. I watched as his hands fell away from his face. He nodded and stood up on his own as I put my hand down, "for our families."

"For the Avengers."


She's gone, she's gone! I'm hopeless, I watched her die. I held her in my arms as she disappeared! I cried on the ground as I removed my mask. I wiped at my tears as I tried to get up. My jaw clenched as I stared at the violet alien.

"You killed her! She's gone and it's all your fault!" I stared harshly at him as he stared into the void past me. 

I rushed forward my fist reared back ready to smash into his gut. He gripped my hand as I threw the punch and threw me into a tree roughly. As I hit the bark of the tree with my back I let out a low scream of pain, "ah!"

Tears formed in the corner of my eyes, I couldn't even save myself and I was worried about saving her? Who was I kidding, I wouldn't win. My best bet would be to wait for him to kill me like he did her. Or to hope he had enough juice in that glove to send me with her.

Blonde hair whipped past me as Thanos fell backwards. I looked up as his back hit the ground. A wide smile was on the tear filled face of the blonde. Winona was crying but she was still holding strong, "should have seen that coming." 

I smiled slightly at her revamp of Pietro's catchphrase. She turned to me a look of worry etched on her face as she ran up to me, "Peter, are you okay? You look hurt!"

Shaking my head I huffed out, "just help me up, we have to take this grape  out."

Silently she nodded, a determined look in her eyes as she gripped around my torso and helped me up. As I went to leave her grip she held me tighter and rushed off. "Winona?" I called, the wind whipping in my ears.

As we stopped she dropped me and turned around looking away. Then she spoke softly, "I couldn't save him or Lana, Peter. The least I can do is save you, I'm going to need you so that we can find them after we take down Thanos. You're in rough shape though, I think you should sit this one out."

As she stopped speaking she looked down and mumbled quietly, "I'm sorry" before running off to the site.

"I won't let you fight without me!" I yelled as I connected a web to a tree and began my swing to head back to the fight.

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