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I made my way to the couch as she followed and opened her mouth to ask me something.

As her mouth opened we heard a knock on her front door.

She gave me an expectant look as she asked, "are you expecting someone?"

I shook my head no and told her, "nope."

She stood up and I followed behind her. 

We got up from the couch as we headed to see who it was and I hovered my hand over the core reactor in my chest while getting ready to press it to call my suit if needed.

As we got up to the door she looked through the peephole and said, "it's just Pietro."

I asked, "just? I guess I am going to have to call my suit after all".

I tapped my reactor and she laughed as she said, "you don't have to".

I heard FRIDAY ask; "yes miss?"

I told her sarcastically, "send me my suit Pietro's here".

Winona lightly hit my arm as she said: "knock it off! He's not that bad!"

I gave her a knowing look with a smirk and she rolled her eyes as I told FRIDAY, "be on standby please FRIDAY."

She told me as she deactivated for the time being, "yes, ms. Stark".

Winona chuckled and then unlocked her door and opened it to reveal a totally sleep deprived Pietro.

He looked at Winona and smiled and then at me and squinted as he asked, "the cat's still awake? She's not at her house in her queen bed?"

I glared and said: "FRIDAY."

Winona nervously laughed as she said, "there's no need FRIDAY! Really!"

She looked at Pietro and slapped his arm as she told him, "don't be rude! She hadn't offended you all day! She actually didn't even say a thing to you".

He shrugged and said, "sorry, I guess I'm just really tired. Hey, so you have my phone."

Winona's eyes widened and she gasped out, "right! That's what I thought I was forgetting! Duh, come on let's get it. I think it's on the table."

We headed back to the table and she handed him his phone.

He said a quick thanks and proceeded to say, "I'll leave kitty and you alone now. I can see her sharpening her nails already."

I glared at him as Winona said, "actually why don't you just stay for a while?"

I looked at her shocked before turning back to look at the tv in her living room.

He began telling her, "sounds like fun, but kitty looks upset that you suggested it so..."

She laughed and told Pietro, "no she's not! She's absolutely fine with it!"

She then looked at me as I turned to face her.

Winona then asked, "right?"

I told her, "no, he's right. Bye, imbecile."

He looked at me and asked, "do you want to fight, tin can?"

I told him, " I'd suggest a fight of wits but, it appears as though you've come unarmed."

He put a hand over his heart as if he were offended and said dramatically, "why, I never!"

Winona looked between us and said, "I don't know who to root for."

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