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"Like this" Nat jumped into the air after sweeping her leg above her head and twisted her body like a corkscrew and kicked the head of a training dummy and knocked it over. She landed stood perfectly in a slightly crouched position with the weight on the balls of her feet and her arms out with her hands opened. She stood up straight while looking at me and said "your turn".

 I nodded and followed how she did it perfectly until the end. I stumbled around and when I regained my balance I growled in frustration at my less than graceful landing and kicked at the mat. 

Nat came over to beside me and put a hand on my right shoulder as she said: "it's fine, I wasn't expecting you to get it first try".

I shook my head and said, "that's what bothers me. I could get every other move perfect but I always stumbled at the end. Why?". 

Nat walked in front of me and gripped both of my shoulders as she said "look up at me" I looked her in the eyes and she said "it's you. Not exactly you, but it's you. You're keeping your body too stiff. We can fix that, for now, I think it's best you go home and get some rest". 

I grabbed her hand that was on my right shoulder and looked her dead in the eyes as I said with my voice laced in determination "teach me how to not be so stiff, tonight" she nodded and said "fine, but it will take a lot of concentration" I nodded and she began teaching me.

Winona's P.O.V.

I outran QS around the building and he claimed it was only because he hasn't eaten since before they left to quote-unquote "save our sorry butts". 

At that, I rolled my eyes and punched him in a friendly manner as I said "liar! I watched you scarf down two full bags of family sized chips, two sandwiches, and a pizza with a water all before training". 

He chuckled and said, "Nah, that was my twin brother "Peter" I shook my head and wittly said back "that's funny, I only recall your twin sister Wanda. Maybe I should ask her if you two have one." 

I turned around acting like I was heading to Wanda and QS ran up to me and said "hey! I was kidding, you're fast kid. I can admit that." 

I nodded and accepted the compliment before he said "but not as fast as me on my best day" I opened on eye and scoffed as I light hit him in the chest and said "first, I'm not a kid I am only two years younger than you, I'm eighteen and number two I am faster than you even on my worst day muchacho!". 

QS looked offended and I said, "anyways I could freeze time and tip you over before running to the finish line seconds later and replaying time." QS asked, "for how long?". 

I shrugged and said, "I don't know, I have never had to use it for an extended period of time before". 

QS nodded and said "fine, but I will be faster than you with none of your time cheats!". 

I shrugged and said "I don't know, but I gotta head home. Bye" I ran inside to say goodbye to the other two since they would be stuck here late anyways.

 I saw Peter and told him "I have to go, I'll see you guys later" he smiled his toothy grin and saluted me as I laughed and walked over to Lana. 

She was concentrating really hard on something.

 I felt a hand on my shoulder as I was examining the situation and instantly flipped them over my shoulder. 

It was Peter. 

He held his back for a few seconds and Lana raised her leg up beside her head to stretch probably and Peter groaned "not cool".

I smiled awkwardly until Lana said, "maybe if you weren't so silent about walking up behind someone, it wouldn't have happened Bug Boy". 

Peter glared up at her for a second before releasing his glare and saying "I don't think you like me very much". 

Lana said, "you are correct Sherlock, how'd you figure that out?". 

He rolled his eyes and said "well, I can promise you, I will get you to like me! I will!". 

I chuckled as I said "good luck with that. That is literally mission impossible". 

Lana looked over to me and dropped her leg as she said, "I'll see you later Winona." 

I nodded and said "definitely" we did a small handshake and then I left.

Lana's P.O.V.

Once Winona left I turned back around and lifted my other leg beside my head with my eyes closed. I head Peter say "I will do it".

 I rolled my eyes behind my eyelids and said "sure you will, Bug Boy". 

Peter smugly said back "whatever, Iron Cat". 

My eyes opened to glare at him as I said; "don't call me that" even my own dad stops saying whatever it is I told him not to say after I've glared and said not to. 

This Parker kid though, he was a bit different. Instead of being afraid and compromising he just simply said: "Nah, Iron Cat". 

I inwardly smiled. 

He's not afraid, but outwardly I looked away and up to my right. 

After a few more minutes of training to become less stiff, it became very clear he wasn't leaving. 

I sighed and said "fine, I'll sit and talk with you. Okay?" his eyes seemed to light up like he was happy or whatever and I said "if it will shut you up. I'll talk to you. Though I doubt we will have anything in common Bug Boy". 

He smiled and said, "that's the point, I bet we do!". 

We walked to the couch and sat down. 

He said "I'll start I guess. I like to read, like books and comics." 

I shrugged and said "comics are okay. I like books better" he smiled wider and said, "see, already!" 

I rolled my eyes and said, "I hate Thunder". 

Peter blinked in shock, no pun intended, at how willing I was to share something like that with him "Bug Boy". 

He smiled after processing that he might be getting somewhere in this friendship and said "I'm afraid of letting my city down" I looked down and sat back as I said "wow, straight to the heroic fears" I rubbed my hair that was now out of its ponytail. 

Well, ever since we stopped training, it's been down. Peter looked back and said, "yeah, that's because it is my greatest fear." 

I looked to my feet finding my shoes of interest all of a sudden and said "I know what you mean, honestly I'm most afraid of-" "Lana!" my dad called as he walked in and said as he saw us "hey, it's nice you two are getting along now and everything but, we have to go". 

Bug Boy looked to my dad from me and I stood up as I said "come on Spidey, dad will take you home. I'll head home myself. See ya". 

I walked out of the room and to the helicopter, that I flew here and was now flying back home.

Peter's P.O.V.

Mr. Stark walked up to me as Lana left to go home and said to me "I see what you're doing. Leave her alone, Buggy. You're friends right?".

I shook my head and said "no sir, we were trying to find things we have in common to become friends. Trust me, I'm not in her range." 

Mr. Stark nodded and said "come on kid, let's bring you home. It's been a long day". 

As we walked through the hallway I was left wondering to myself what he meant by "I see what you're doing." I guess I'll never really know.

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