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"Come on! I thought Tigers were supposed to be fast!" I heard an annoying voice call as he walked in front of me a few feet. He stopped walking and turned to face me for a second. That was a mistake. I didn't see him in time. I walked right into him and tripped. I grabbed his arm taking him off balance with me as we toppled to the ground. Landing back first on the concrete sidewalk I felt the wind get knocked out of me. I let my head rest on the dirty ground for a moment to regain my breath. I finally opened my eyes and saw a wide-eyed Spider staring me in the eyes. In instinct I sat up quickly forgetting about him I hit my forehead on his. I brought myself to my knees away from him and held my head as I tried to stand. I yelled "Idiot!" I stood up straight and stomped a foot on the ground in an irritated motion. Peter stood almost as quick as I did but said "I'm the idiot? You're the one who knocked us down in the first place!" I huffed and said "well if you didn't stop in front of me while I was walking. It wouldn't have happened!".

Winona's P.O.V.

"You had to steal all of the food in the compound?" Pietro just shrugged and said, "I was hungry". I sighed and asked, "why do I even bother?" I looked down and rubbed my tired eyes as I heard Pietro ask "Win?" I looked up at him unimpressed as I asked "what?" he pointed to his hair and said "I think your hair is changing" my eyes widened and I got up from the spinny chair and ran to a mirror. I saw Silver strands of hair starting to form from the roots of my long hair. I mumbled a cuss under my breath as Pietro asked: "what happened?" I looked up at him. He was only a few inches taller. I told him "this has been happening. I think it's a defect from my powers. My hair will turn all silver if I use too much of my powers" Pietro looked sort of scared as he asked "are you... sure... you're alright?" I nodded smiling as I asked "why wouldn't I be? I'm still me!". He nodded and said "you're right. Just for the record." I gave him a quizzical look as he smiled and said "I think you look good with both hair colors" I smiled wide and said, "why thank you, sir". I asked "so... are we going to train or not?" he shrugged and asked, "train to do what?" I rolled my eyes and said "haha very funny. Fight of course dummy". Pietro exclaimed, "I have just the training tool!" I looked at him interested as he grabbed my hand and we ran to the main lobby. We played video games to train. He raged every time I killed him. I put my back against his shoulder and huffed as he said "one more round!". I rolled my eyes and said "fine." He thanked me and played. He finally beat someone. He smiled his childish grin and I shrugged as he called out happily "you're a good luck charm!".

Lana's P.O.V.

We were walking back when it literally rained on us. I glared at the rain droplets. Peter looked happy still. Why? We were walking by the park when he went off towards it on his own. I stopped short of walking by the entrance as he jumped onto the bench. I walked through the hedge entrance and leaned on it with my arms crossed as he called "come on!" I shook my head no and said "no thanks". He jumped down again from the bench and ran over. He grabbed my forearms and uncrossed them as he pulled me to the bench. He jumped up and helped me up. I asked annoyed "what?". He shrugged and said, "the moon is clearer to see here." My harsh features that were scrunched up fell into soft features. I sat on the back of the bench and looked up at the moon for a bit. Peter jumped off of the bench onto the ground and put his hand out to me. I grabbed it hesitantly and he pulled me off of the bench. He grabbed my other hand and started spinning in the rain as he said: "this is my favorite thing to do in the rain!" I was confused as I asked "spin?" he shook his head and smiled as he said "dance". I laughed as I spun out of reach and said "that sounds like fun" he smiled at me while I laughed lightly until I said "but I would rather not have a cold for two weeks. So we better get back to the compound." We got back to the compound soaked and I saw Pietro and Winona fighting over a game controller. I nudged Peter and whispered, "take the controller" he nodded and webbed the controller over to him. They stopped fighting and looked at Peter. Winona had a thankful look on her face but Pietro had a dirty look on his face. I shrugged and asked, "why are you guys fighting?" Winona said, "he wanted to play again and I want to go home!". I stood there for a second a started randomly laughing. I waved goodbye to the weirdos and head to my suit to go home. I needed to get changed bad.

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