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Lana's P.O.V.

I hopped on his back and yelled, "onwards my stead!"

He saluted me in order to humor me as he said, "yes ma'am!" Then he dashed off towards the coffee shop.

I laughed as he continuously ran on the sidewalk to the shop.

When we got there I hopped off of his back and said, "you did well my stead, I will pay for our bill".

He chuckled and we headed inside.

Winona's P.O.V.

They ran off so quickly, even though Pietro and I could have caught up easily, I stood there holding his hand so he wouldn't try it. When they left our line of sight I tugged his hand a bit and he turned to face me. Looking sort of frustrated with what just happened.

I tilted my head a bit and then stood on my tippy toes and gave him a peck on the cheek. I went back onto the flats of my feet and said, "let's talk inside."

His eyes widened a little and then narrowed as he said, "fine."

I pouted, a little upset with how he was acting, and tugged his arm towards me and began pulling him along.

We got inside and I brought him to the food court. We went to Aunt Tiny's Pretzels and got pretzel bites, then we went to sit down.

We sat at a two-seater table in the corner of the food court by the wall.

I looked him in the eye after I got comfortable in my seat and asked, "why have you been trying to keep Lana from Peter all day?"

He shifted in his seat and stayed silent. I narrowed my eyes and said, "Pietro answer me, Peter has been texting me all day trying to find out why you had her phone and are trying to ignore him."

He closed his eyes slowly and then ran his hands over his face to wake himself up once again. Then he removed his hands and reached for a pretzel.

I watched as he grabbed one and ate it. Rolling my eyes I stood up abruptly and told him, "when you can answer me, talk to me. If this has something to do with what happened last night when you two made fun of each other, just say so. Until you can tell me though, I'm leaving. You can run or walk home."

I turned and began to walk towards the outer edge of the food court when Pietro quietly said, "fine, sit down. I'll tell you."

He explained that Mr. Stark visited him last night when he was on his way back home and ordered him to keep Lana away from Peter. Apparently, he thinks they're getting too close and he doesn't like it. He also thinks that since I'm one of her best friends and Pietro's my boyfriend it would be easier for him to do it, rather than him himself.

I rolled my eyes once again and asked, "and you said okay? So what if he doesn't like how close they've gotten. They're really good friends and Peter's a nice kid. If he wants his dirty work done for him, he should hire someone else to do it. Not one of us, that is just low."

Pietro dryly laughed and said, "I know. I wouldn't have agreed but, he had this device, and I felt obligated to help him, I mean he did let you and me join the team."

I thought for a while and told him, "tell Stark no, you won't do it anymore and that if he wants it done to do it himself."

Pietro didn't reply but just tossed the idea off and said, "let's go watch a movie, then we can go take a look around."

I tossed my head with the idea and agreed.

Lana's P.O.V.

We were walking back towards the mall to get back to his car so that we could go hang out at my house with Thorgi when I saw my dad's car drive by. He was sitting inside and he parked right in front of us.

I watched as the window rolled down and he said, "Lana, Pete, get in." I laughed sarcastically and said, "no, I'm going home. We can talk online later."

He gave me the dad look and said, "get in young lady, we are not having an argument right now."

Again I rolled my eyes and said, "it's not an argument if we are just stating a fact. Now if you'll excuse me we'll be heading to my house to hang out and play with my dog."

We turned and went around the car when a bodyguard got out of my dad's car and picked me up by the waist and started to drag me towards the car. I started wiggling and I elbowed the guy in the face as I yelled, "hey, don't touch me! Let me go!"

As I was violently wiggling to try and get out of his grasp another one had Peter by the back of his shirt and the guard that was holding me tossed me into the car onto the seat.

The guard who had Peter's collar dropped him and Peter glared at him for a second before slowly getting in with us.

As we started driving away and the door closed I heard, "So, listen up..." 

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