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I sat in my room after work and thinking of my day. I did it. I've found a way to make my father say he's disappointed. I was currently in my empty room. Nothing was set up yet. This was my new home. I had moved out as soon as I had gotten home. I haven't talked to anyone all day. Not even my coworkers. They knew what they were to do. I didn't need to yell at anyone to do anything. I've only talked to my father. That's the point when he told me he was finally disappointed in me. He told me to leave his house. I let him take Thorgi. I left after quickly packing and using the Stark moving industries company to move. I didn't allow them to keep my house on record. In case anyone would try to contact me via real life face to face.

I finished unpacking my room equipment and other things. As soon as I sat down on my bed I felt my pocket vibrate. I grabbed it out and looked at it to see a text from Peter? I texted back a, hey and then he called. I dropped my phone on my bed and ran to the bedroom door. I was not expecting him to call.

I answered the phone to a nerve-racked Peter asking "where are you?" instantly recoiling into my past to see the scene again before answering carefully "home." Peter's voice showing signs of his irritation as he said: "no you aren't, Winona and I just visited." I awkwardly chuckled and said as I scratched the back of my neck "well, at my new home. I just moved out today" Peter sighed in relief as he said "good. At least you aren't doing some dangerous tricks". I looked at my wooden floor slowly. Then Peter asked "where's the new place? I can swing over and pick up some pizza to celebrate" my eyes instantly snapped up to the vanity mirror on my makeup desk. Worry flashing in my eyes as I said "oh no, that's fine. I was just heading off to bed. Work and everything" Peter laughed innocently before saying "funny, I didn't know running away from your phone when someone calls you was your bedtime routine". I looked around in my room before asking "Peter, where are you? How did you know I ran from my phone?" Peter chuckled and said "balcony, I've been here for a few minutes. I was hidden as one of your helpers in helping you move." I looked onto my balcony and glared at the boy smirking while playing with his hair. I rolled my eyes and walked to the balcony door. I slid it open and ended the call. I leaned against the doorway and said "I didn't want anyone to know where I live" Peter smiled widely and said, "I brought pizza!".

We were sitting on the bed in my room eating pizza. He kept talking about their mission today. Every time he would say that they had a hard time fighting the leader or the agents I would feel guilty. When he stopped talking about it he asked in concern "are you okay? Ever since I've started talking about the mission you've seemed distracted". I nodded and told him "I just feel guilty about not being there for you guys" he looked from me to the wall at the head of the bed and said "well, I can tell you we all miss you. Even big scary Bruce Banner was sad when you left. I think Winona and I took it the worst though. You were our best friend." I looked him in the eye as I asked "I 'was' your best friend? What's that supposed to mean?" Peters look of a distance turned into realization as he said fast "not that you aren't I'm just saying, It's hard to hang out with someone who isn't on the team when we have to fight bad guys constantly".

I felt my eyes gloss over when a sudden stroke of realization hit me like Thor's thunder. I have to tell him. How? If I don't, he'll hate me when he finally finds out. I looked him in the eyes for a few seconds before quickly looking away in guilt and fear. I took in a wispy breath of air and said "Peter, there's something I need to tell you... It's very important, but I think you'll hate me when you find out".

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