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While we stood there staring at Lana I thought of all of the possibilities that she would be fine if we were only a few seconds late. That was until I heard quick footsteps slamming against the marble flooring of the castle. When the door slammed open Stark's voice called out, "get out of my way!"

I stepped back as he rushed up to his daughter. He stared down at her confused and seemingly angry.

He looked up at Thor and asked hastily; "what happened?"

I looked at the back of Stark's head as I told him, "her processing chip ran out of juice. Thor replaced it."

I watched as Tony turned around to look at me, his hand came up to his mouth and wiped at it and dragged his hand around his face in a stressed manner. He rubbed at his eyelids when he closed his eyes and nodded. Then he spoke once again in a more calm demeanor; "I'm going to take her home now. She's going to stay at home."

I nodded and told him, "I'll watch her while you go home then."

Tony looked right back at me and said, "what are you talking about? She's coming home with me. I knew kicking her out so soon was a bad idea. I thought she was mature enough to handle it but I guess I was wrong."

Shaking my head I told him, "you're the reason she's even in this predicament right now. I don't think she'll be very siked when she wakes up and realises she's in the same house as you."

Stark glared at me and spoke coldly, "watch you're tone miss Reed, I could kick you off the team if I really wanted to. She's my kid and she'll come home with me."

He looked back to Thor and asked, "did she come here with anything else?"

Thor shook his head and Tony nodded and unhooked Lana from the machines. He had her bridal style and he spoke seriously as he told me, "keep Parker away from my daughter Reed."

He then walked away as Peter and Finnor ran into the doorway while shoving each other.

Tony's P.O.V.

When I got home I checked the chip Thor put in her chest and laughed from how low powered it was. I walked into my office and grabbed one of my stronger chips, while shutting the drawer I looked up and saw the family picture I had still standing on my desk.

God she was so little back then, where did the years all go?

Looking at my wife's smile as she looked at Lana who was hanging on my back with her arms around my neck laughing, I smiled.

"It's been so long, I miss you-" I was cut off by a loud thud in Lana's bedroom.

I walked out of the room to Lana's bedroom and saw her sitting on the ground with her eyes wide.

While sitting there she took in a few deep breaths while staring at the ground. As I walked over to her she looked up and her eyes narrowed.

"What happened?" her voice was so soft but I could hear the defensiveness in her voice.

I shrugged and said, "you forgot to change your chip. At least that's what Thor and Winona told me."

She looked at her hands and asked, "am I dead?"

I laughed and told her, "no, but you will be soon if you keep forgetting to change your chip."

I sat down on her hammock and looked at the ground while I intertwined my hands together.

Her voice rang through the silent room as she stood up; "why am I here of all places then?"

Her question peaking my interest I looked up surprised at her attitude and said, "you're my daughter-"

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